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Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成

在 08-18-2012, 12:14 下午 由 henrydu0 發表.第 138 篇回覆.
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  •  08-13-2012, 3:43 下午 433496 in reply to 433481

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成

    要是Dwight 明年留在湖人 團隊薪資破一億......


  •  08-13-2012, 5:48 下午 433498 in reply to 433375

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成

    大家放輕鬆點 Big Smile:


  •  08-13-2012, 6:10 下午 433500 in reply to 433496

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成


    要是Dwight 明年留在湖人 團隊薪資破一億......





    “If you’re afraid to fail, then you’re probably going to fail.” –Kobe Bryant
  •  08-13-2012, 6:54 下午 433501 in reply to 433185

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成



    都往大城市集中,nba為何要如何多的球隊呢?? 打之前都能預知勝負了。



  •  08-13-2012, 8:00 下午 433502 in reply to 433501

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成


  •  08-14-2012, 12:10 上午 433516 in reply to 433501

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成




    都往大城市集中,nba為何要如何多的球隊呢?? 打之前都能預知勝負了。





    喜歡網撥士頓 洛杉磯 芝加哥 紐約 集中

    次一級的也往 邁阿密 達拉斯 紐澤西 聚集

    很欣慰 現在的球員能學習前輩  也能貫徹執行 


    球員愛錢 愛大城市

    從80年代 到現在 從來沒變過


    現在球員 也從前輩學習到


    老實說 現在球員 還蠻受教的


    貴古賤今大可不必    NBA60年 球員想法真的都沒變

  •  08-14-2012, 12:36 上午 433520 in reply to 433501

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成

    我大概這裡唯一的一個, 認為魔術 Hennigan 在 Howard 交易沒有太離譜, 在現在這個處境, 他能做到的都有辦到, 要說能拿到更好的, 也只除了火箭可以給的出來

    Magic 就是要澈底重建, 2014 起再慢慢捲土重來, 因此我們看到自 offseason 後, Magic 除了 Nelson 之外 一張約也沒簽, Anderson 也直接放走, 由這樣來看, 當初不接受 Nets 的提案才是理性的, 因為 Howard 沒人能取代, 就算直接拿到 Bynum 也沒用, 重建中球隊是需要長人, 但不需要像 Lopez/Humphries 這樣不便宜的, 反正季後賽今年是別想了

    所以我們看 Jameer Nelson 的新約, 最後一年甚至是非保障的, 留下他是因為之前有太多的資金流入市場, 而搶手的也是控球, 怕他被挖走才先留人

    交易後來看 Harrington/Turkoglu 的約還是很爛, 但是它們不會對球隊的發展 (財務, Capspace) 造成影響, 我有大概七成把握, 球隊在 14 個月內就會把 Harrington 或 QRich 送出去換一個 Point-Guard 回來

    隊中現有真正的較長和金額較大的約就是 Davis 和 Afflalo 這二張, 但是以球隊主力的標準看待, 其實他們的價格-貢獻比例也合理, 他們二個正好是在生涯最精華的階段

    此外, 現在隊上的年輕球員如 Eyenga, Harkless, Vucevic 及其他都還要時間才能找到定位, 我認為 Nicholson 會是不錯的 NBA 球員, 對於 Hennigan 而言, Harkless 就是一枚新到的樂透籤

    接下來的1 1/2 年中, 球隊會有地殼大變動, 反正全隊上下本來就沒有誰是不能賣的

  •  08-14-2012, 12:46 上午 433521 in reply to 433453

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成

    Kawakami Rinitsu:

    看到這個新聞, 我心裡唯一的感覺就是"e04"

    D.Howard去哪一隊都沒關係, 就是不想看到他去了湖人或熱火, 這下子可好了.........


    搞三捻四的把整個火箭玩成這樣, 不馬上開除他真是難消我心頭之恨

    這整個 Howard 交易最大的輸家還不是 Magic, 而是火箭! 我這二天一直想不通, 就算是被 Feagn/Howard 嚇的打退堂鼓, 為何連 Bynum 也不要? 以前一直有風聲說火箭要 Gasol (現在想要, 湖人也不會想給了), 怎麼也不要了? 


    C Asik (26)
    C Smith (21) - 部分保障

    PF/C Patterson (23)
    PF Motiejunas (22)
    PF Jones (20)
    PF Johnson (23)
    PF Brockman (25)

    SF Parsons (23)
    SF White (21)
    SF Morris (23)
    SF Forbes (27)

    SG Martin (29)
    SG Lamb (20)

    PG Lin (24)
    PG Douglas (26)
    PG Machado (22)

    球隊應該還要裁掉一個, 值得隊上留下重建的應該是: Jeremy Lamb, Donatas Motiejunas, Ömer Asik, Chandler Parsons, Jeremy Lin 和 Royce White

    其他的, 交易截止日前大概都會被端上交易檯面

     Bynum 不會續約火箭


    之前湖人 騎士 魔術之間的交易

    就是 Bynum不續約騎士而叫停



    費城留下  Bynum的機會超過7成

    因為 Bynum是紐澤西人

    所以 網 尼 七六人這三隊是他的首選

    否則就待在湖人等KB老了接班是 Bynum的目標




    Bynum 的情形應該是這樣的, 如果沒有 Howard 的交易, 湖人現在應該就和他談延長的問題而要留下他, 有 Nash 在, 他和 Howard 誰打中鋒威力都不差, 這裡很多人也講了, 對 Bynum 或 Howard 他們來說, 成為 FA 簽大約是好過現在延長, 我仍是認為, 不管 Bynum 有沒有說過什麼, 就算火箭現在收下 Bynum, 到時也不怕他跑, 因為 Houston 有他的大鳥權在手上, 可以給出大約五年 1,2 億左右, 其他球隊只能簽 4 年, 像當初 Clippers 那樣豬頭先放棄對 Brand 的大鳥權去簽別人, 然後眼看著 Brand 跑掉的事情根本不會再有重演

    為何提到這個, 因為 Bynum 現在的情況就和當年成為 FA 的 Brand 很接近, 都有過往傷病史和不耐戰的疑慮, 他沒有 Howard 這種本錢去玩那種先簽 4 年, 三年後 PO 跳出合約, 再重簽 5 年的遊戲, 我甚至於擔心, Bynum 的膝蓋能不能撐過 4 年, Thorn 現在就是延續 Stefanski 的作法, 去賭球隊那第四面冠軍旗,  Howard 可是超人, 會不會受傷還得看自己想不想開刀, 而且 Bynum 是拿過冠軍的人, 錢拿多少是比去那更該優先考慮的事 

  •  08-14-2012, 2:30 上午 433524 in reply to 433432

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成
















    就是指如果從2015到2018年之間 費城每年的首輪正好都落在受保護的範圍之內



    We ride together
    We die together
    Red Bulls for life....
  •  08-14-2012, 2:32 上午 433525 in reply to 433496

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成

    PS. 我也沒法比這位寫的更好 Yes:

    I have been trying to stay away from the immediate aftermath and expected chaos that would be happening here because I knew there would be a lot of hot heads, heavy hearts and non-Magic fans irritatingly chirpin' in. I understand the emotional drain of losing Dwight. I was one of those who stood by the Magic trying to keep him at all cost. But surprisingly I'm not furious with the trade. Of course, I wish we got more, but I'm not discouraged at what we were able to accomplish.

    Clearer heads should prevail here. Trading Dwight was inevitable. The Magic exhausted every effort to keep Dwight. Even Otis Smith, while he failed, he tried to surround Dwight with a strong supporting cast. That failure, triggered the reaction of his firing and Stan's firing as the Magic still tried to keep him. We hired a new GM who was imo, definitely "the right" guy for the job. Rob to his major credit kept all negotiations between the team and Dwight confidential. He didn't react to all the rumors that the Dwight camp continuously leaked which foiled the Magic each time. Can you imagine how frustrating that must of been for our front office? Dwight's camp literally destroyed his trade value. But Rob stayed cool, calm, collected and continued to do his job keeping the Magic's best interests in mind.

    I watched the presser once the trade was completed. The most uncomfortable question that Rob was asked was the one about how do you go about winning while not ruining your chance to get a high draft pick. Rob smiled and deferred to Vaughn. That's a tough question to ask a GM who's vision is to rebuild through the draft. It’s a trick question as it would obviously dishearten the fans who go to the games hoping to see their team win. I think the best answer Rob could have given instead was saying that he believed in the true faith of the Magic fans. That they are not bandwagon hoppers, but instead a loyal fanbase who bleed Magic blue and want to cheer for their team over cheering for a disgruntled superstar who no longer wants to be there. Followed up by a promise to restore the winning ways of this franchise as soon as he could, but by doing so in search of longevity and sustainability.

    The worst place this team would be in is in the middle of the pack. Stuck in the abyss of mediocrity. There are a lot of teams run by GMs who have false impressions of who they are. Those teams are spinning in circles wondering why they can’t get over the hump. Hennigan is getting smashed on the national scene for this trade, but one thing I can say about Rob Hennigan is that he knows from experience how to rebuild. He may not have been the one calling the final shots, but he’s been in the front offices of places that have done it. It’s a method that isn’t suited for the weak of heart. A method that isn’t suited for the audience demanding immediate returns on their investment. The strategy is simple, but requires foresight, patience and a determination to stick to the plan.

    People like to say, "That's all the Magic got?" As if they had league wide offers to choose from... Fact of the matter is that the Magic had very limited options. To Rob's credit, he was able to orchestrate a rare and complicated 4 team deal! They did their homework on every player involved. They HAD the chance to get Bynum for themselves. They probably had the chance to get Iggy. Don't get frustrated about it. These aren't players that we should've targeted! If Bynum's history of injury isn't alarming to you, then you need to add some real perspective. The idea of giving him a max contract at the end of the season, meanwhile going through a possible repeat of the Dwight situation (trying to resign him), is NOT attractive at all. How can you blame Rob for not wanting to trade for Bynum? It has shades of the Grant Hill's Orlando tragedy painted all over that picture. The future is unpredictable, and while I won’t ignore the idea that Bynum could go on to have a long successful injury free career, I think it’s a very very far from sure thing. The public’s reaction is that he’s bulletproof and that isn’t accurate at all. The media will always report on the current state of things. When Bynum was hurt or when his antics were flaring up, the media was right there to bash him. So don’t tell me today that those issues are a thing of the past. Iggy will be on the decline soon. For our vision, Harkless provides much more value. What would we have done with Iggy? Build a win now team around him? Ridiculous. The public only sees the big names and are razor quick to make judgements. I think an educated fan understands what's going on here. That Dwight created an extremely difficult situation for the Magic to net a huge reward and that this trade was made with the intent to position themselves to be in contention for a high pick in 2013.

    I’m extremely excited about landing Arron Afflalo. He can be a starting SG for a championship caliber team if his defense comes as good as advertised. I’ve admired him from afar, but now get to cheer for him on the Magic. Mo Harkless was one of those in this year’s draft who I was very fond of. I liked him in the top group of SFs … Terrence Jones, Quincy Miller, PJ3, and Royce White. Harkless was chosen ahead of all of them. Christian Eyenga gives us another young moldable player who high upside on both defense and offense. Nikola Vucevic is a name that is being swept under the rug here. Here’s a legit Center prospect who stands 6’11, 260 pounds and is only entering the 2nd year of his career. Selected right outside of the lottery last year. The talent is there for him to be an impact player. For all the Kyle O’Quinn love, Vucevic is a much higher regarded player. Al Harrington is the large cap space relief we sought after and Josh McRoberts is also an expiring contract.

    As fans we always love to believe that every rumor is true. I see people kicking and screaming that we should've taken the Houston offer. What offer was that? Can anybody separate rumor from reality to provide some clarity over the exact terms of the deal that the Magic turned down? Before jumping to conclusions, and letting the weight of your emotions lead you off a cliff, be prudent about what exactly you’re basing your feelings off of. Even Houston fans were saying their offer wasn’t as good as we were preaching.

    So sit on this for a second. Many here wished for Houston to give up a package that included Jeremy Lamb, Terrence Jones or Royce White, Kevin Martin (expiring) and picks. Our deal that just brought us Arron Afflalo, Mo Harkless, Christian Eyenga, Nikola Vucevic, Al Harrington (expiring), Josh McRoberts (expiring), and a $17M TPE is equal to that package or even BETTER! Honestly I would’ve wanted Lamb over Afflalo, but it’s certainly not a huge gripe. Harkless over T-Jones or White works. Add Eyenga and it’s an easy win. Vucevic gives us a legit big talent that was never in Houston’s offer and the cap space and picks are still both coming to us.

    Our future now starts a new dawn. Thanks to Dwight, we have a bright new GM who brings a systematic approach with a true vision for winning. A budding prodigy Head Coach who will preach a team concept and focus on player development. We have a new group of young talent, a pocket full of draft picks and future flexibility with the cap. We are lucky. Our team is not bound into a position of mediocrity for the next era. Instead, we have the thrill of the chase to cheer for and the means to do it right!


  •  08-14-2012, 2:59 上午 433526 in reply to 433501

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成




    都往大城市集中,nba為何要如何多的球隊呢?? 打之前都能預知勝負了。





  •  08-14-2012, 5:04 上午 433536 in reply to 433525

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成

    倘若交易談判過程真如報導所述,由76ers Rod Thorn主導,那剩下的問題變成:

    1. Thorn是否故意趁Morey認定Dwight交易不會有進展,快快樂樂逛奧運時,突襲完成交易?Morey的態度一直是就算弄不到Dwight,有Gasol或Bynum也是達成目標,雖然先前的談判破局,但誰相信Morey會就這樣收手?推測:Thorn陰了Morey。

    2. Dwight夏令營事件讓老闆決定立刻清理門戶,連同Fegan手下的J-Rich一併出清,但接受這樣的交易是否太過心急?湖人付出的代價過低,而無論是為自己、為了向其他球隊交代,菜鳥GM海尼根應當爭取讓湖人更痛一點。推測:另外三隊都已心滿意足,老闆又下令儘快完成交易,菜鳥GM被三位前輩施點壓就屈服了。


  •  08-14-2012, 12:34 下午 433560 in reply to 433536

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成


    倘若交易談判過程真如報導所述,由76ers Rod Thorn主導,那剩下的問題變成:

    1. Thorn是否故意趁Morey認定Dwight交易不會有進展,快快樂樂逛奧運時,突襲完成交易?Morey的態度一直是就算弄不到Dwight,有Gasol或Bynum也是達成目標,雖然先前的談判破局,但誰相信Morey會就這樣收手?推測:Thorn陰了Morey。

    2. Dwight夏令營事件讓老闆決定立刻清理門戶,連同Fegan手下的J-Rich一併出清,但接受這樣的交易是否太過心急?湖人付出的代價過低,而無論是為自己、為了向其他球隊交代,菜鳥GM海尼根應當爭取讓湖人更痛一點。推測:另外三隊都已心滿意足,老闆又下令儘快完成交易,菜鳥GM被三位前輩施點壓就屈服了。



    那你覺得怎麼樣能讓湖人"痛" 到?








  •  08-14-2012, 12:49 下午 433562 in reply to 433560

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成


    倘若交易談判過程真如報導所述,由76ers Rod Thorn主導,那剩下的問題變成:

    1. Thorn是否故意趁Morey認定Dwight交易不會有進展,快快樂樂逛奧運時,突襲完成交易?Morey的態度一直是就算弄不到Dwight,有Gasol或Bynum也是達成目標,雖然先前的談判破局,但誰相信Morey會就這樣收手?推測:Thorn陰了Morey。

    2. Dwight夏令營事件讓老闆決定立刻清理門戶,連同Fegan手下的J-Rich一併出清,但接受這樣的交易是否太過心急?湖人付出的代價過低,而無論是為自己、為了向其他球隊交代,菜鳥GM海尼根應當爭取讓湖人更痛一點。推測:另外三隊都已心滿意足,老闆又下令儘快完成交易,菜鳥GM被三位前輩施點壓就屈服了。



    那你覺得怎麼樣能讓湖人"痛" 到?











  •  08-14-2012, 1:00 下午 433563 in reply to 433562

    Re: Howard 確定去湖人 交易完成


    倘若交易談判過程真如報導所述,由76ers Rod Thorn主導,那剩下的問題變成:

    1. Thorn是否故意趁Morey認定Dwight交易不會有進展,快快樂樂逛奧運時,突襲完成交易?Morey的態度一直是就算弄不到Dwight,有Gasol或Bynum也是達成目標,雖然先前的談判破局,但誰相信Morey會就這樣收手?推測:Thorn陰了Morey。

    2. Dwight夏令營事件讓老闆決定立刻清理門戶,連同Fegan手下的J-Rich一併出清,但接受這樣的交易是否太過心急?湖人付出的代價過低,而無論是為自己、為了向其他球隊交代,菜鳥GM海尼根應當爭取讓湖人更痛一點。推測:另外三隊都已心滿意足,老闆又下令儘快完成交易,菜鳥GM被三位前輩施點壓就屈服了。



    那你覺得怎麼樣能讓湖人"痛" 到?




















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