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Next Jeremy Lin: 来自江蘇的唐子豪

在 02-25-2012, 9:57 上午 由 YMCMBmike 發表.第 4 篇回覆.
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  •  02-24-2012, 9:15 上午 414551

    Next Jeremy Lin: 来自江蘇的唐子豪


    他應該是96年或95年出生的  今年有資格代表中國參加U17


    Chris Tang is only a sophomore at Newport News (Va.) Hampton Roads Academy, but he is already one of the traditionally powerful prep program's most promising prospects. At 6-foot-2, Tang can man either guard position, but spends almost all his time for Hampton Roads as the team's point guard. Tang was an all-conference selection as a freshman and has already had performances in which he scored 41 and 42 points … as a 15-year-old high school sophomore.

    That's just where the comparisons to Lin begin, and there are plenty of reasons for them, too. As you can see in the highlight reel above, Tang has much of the same exceptional court vision of Lin. He is equally adept at cutting into the lane, taking the game to opposing defenses with aplomb.

    What Tang may have as an advantage over Lin is his sheer athleticism. While Lin is an impressive athlete, Tang definitely has more vertical ability and a particularly disproportionate amount of agility and speed when compared with other high school sophomores.

    He also has a serious shot that should make him a strong prospect for his versatility in running the point or shooting from the perimeter.

    While Lin slipped almost completely below the radar, it seems exceedingly unlikely that a similar fate will befall Tang, who has been living in Virginia with a foster family since arriving in the U.S. as an eighth-grader and is reportedly completely comfortable with life as an American teen.

    The sophomore -- who is currently averaging more than 20 points per game -- also stars for the powerhouse Boo Williams AAU program on the summer circuit, where he has already caught the eye of recruiters from Virginia, Virginia Tech, Maryland and Davidson, among other schools. A strong academic candidate, Tang has also reportedly piqued the interest of Lin's alma mater Harvard.

    It's hard to tell whether Tang's development will continue apace, or whether he can reach anywhere near the heights that Lin is now soaring toward. Still, the fact that he's beginning from a higher platform than Lin himself makes him a heck of a candidate to be the next Asian guard to crash the major American basketball scene.


  •  02-24-2012, 9:30 上午 414555 in reply to 414551

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    Re: Next Jeremy Lin: 来自江蘇的唐子豪




  •  02-24-2012, 9:39 上午 414560 in reply to 414555

    Re: Next Jeremy Lin: 来自江蘇的唐子豪




    可能不會招他 但如果有機會我相信他能入選  而且未來發展會最好

    他所在的 Hampton Roads Academy 這幾年招了很多中國球員 

  •  02-24-2012, 1:47 下午 414595 in reply to 414555

    Re: Next Jeremy Lin: 来自江蘇的唐子豪



  •  02-25-2012, 9:57 上午 414683 in reply to 414595

    Re: Next Jeremy Lin: 来自江蘇的唐子豪

    到美國有幾年時間了  英文能聽能講 也有好好讀書  
    切 投 傳 都很棒 可以主宰比賽 
    6'2~6'3吋的身高 快攻可以 背對籃框爆扣 太有力了

    Ball is life
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