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Anaheim Royals - Maloof 家的律師代理註冊了這個商標

在 03-30-2011, 11:03 上午 由 GTO_Andy 發表.第 20 篇回覆.
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  •  03-17-2011, 8:18 下午 370853 in reply to 370851

    Re: Anaheim Royals - Maloof 家的律師代理註冊了這個商標








    所以橡樹隊成立後的第一個大動作就是挖當時舊金山勇士隊(現金州勇士隊)的Rick Barry,

    Rick Barry就是後來Jon Barry跟Brent Barry等人的爸爸,當年他可是紅透半邊天,

    橡樹隊為了挖來Rick Barry,不惜聘用他的岳父Bruce Hale來帶兵,最後成功。


    不過因為法律訴訟,Rick Barry做了一年球監才變成橡樹隊的球員,當時他岳父已經被炒了。






  •  03-17-2011, 8:30 下午 370856 in reply to 370853

    Re: Anaheim Royals - Maloof 家的律師代理註冊了這個商標



    以前在奧克蘭找Rick Barry,現在在華盛頓就找當地子弟兵Dave Bing。


    雖然最後這支球隊還是在奧克蘭混不下去,好歹Rick Barry是首位由NBA跳槽ABA的巨星。 


    當時Dave Bing正在NBA的底特律活塞隊打球,他是在華盛頓特區長大的籃球選手,

    所以Dave Bing當然不排斥有機會在地方鄉親父老前打球,何況挖角價碼應該不錯,



    所以Dave Bing還是留在底特律,到幾年後他還真的重回華盛頓打球,不過是效力子彈隊。



    他們還是很有巨星緣啊,雖然後來Rick Barry返回NBA,但他們又陸續吸納籃球好手,

    最知名的當屬J博士Julies Erving及有冰人外號的George Gervin。 

  •  03-19-2011, 11:35 下午 371149 in reply to 370817

    Re: Anaheim Royals - Maloof 家的律師代理註冊了這個商標

    Red Jazz:




  •  03-30-2011, 10:55 上午 372725 in reply to 370853

    • GTO_Andy is not online. Last active: 2021-11-17, 11:05 上午 GTO_Andy
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    Anaheim 市政府同意了 $7千5百萬的經費給 Kings


    Anaheim City Council approves $75M funding for Kings

    Posted Mar 29 2011 10:18PM

    ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) -- The Anaheim city council has unanimously approved a $75 million bond deal to entice the Sacramento Kings to relocate to Orange County.

    The city council voted 5-0 for the measure to a round of applause from a packed City Hall meeting room Tuesday night, calling it another major step in luring the Kings to Honda Center.

    Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait repeatedly emphasized the city has no financial risk in the deal. Tait says Anaheim is a conduit for a private investment by Henry Samueli, the billionaire owner of the NHL's Anaheim Ducks.

    Samueli also manages the city-owned arena, and he's putting his own money into a deal for upgrades to Honda Center and other moving costs.

    The Kings must file for relocation by April 18.


  •  03-30-2011, 11:02 上午 372727 in reply to 372725

    • GTO_Andy is not online. Last active: 2021-11-17, 11:05 上午 GTO_Andy
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    Kevin Johnson: 等到Maloof付清 $7千7百萬的貸款, Kings就可以搬!


    It wasn't good riddance, but Mayor Kevin Johnson told reporters today he'd be willing to accept a Sacramento Kings move to Anaheim as long as the team pays its loan to City Hall.

    "I think the mindset of the city is to make sure that they fulfill their obligation," the mayor said. "And if they do that, then I don't want a messy divorce, I don't want to be a poor sport about it, it's their decision. And quite frankly, if they don't want to be here, then I'm going to be OK with (them moving) and I think our community will be OK with that."

    Johnson said the Maloofs, who own the team, told him on Monday that they intend to pay off a $77 million loan they owe the city. George Maloof repeated that message to The Bee.

    City Treasurer Russ Fehr said George Maloof's promise to The Bee to repay the loan "was encouraging."

    But Fehr said the city still needs greater assurance. "We need a little more than that," he told the Bee's Dale Kasler. "We need to discuss when and how."

    The mayor and others want something in writing.

    Joe Maloof told the Orange County Register that the family made a huge lump sum payment several years ago on the loan in order to reduce the debt.

    In fact, the $12 million payment was on a separate loan, according to Fehr. The payment retired an $8.5 million loan the city provided in 1997, the same time as the big loan that's still outstanding.

    Fehr said the smaller loan didn't come due until 2022 but was accumulating interest.

    The Maloofs also told the mayor Monday that "it's not a done deal in Anaheim" and "if we don't go to Anaheim, we love Sacramento, the fans have been great to us and we will be back with a renewed commitment and vigor."

    The mayor had a conciliatory tone, in contrast to a statement his special assistant, R.E. Graswich, made to The New York Times over the weekend. Graswich was quoted as saying Sacramento's mood was one of "good riddance" toward the Kings.

    Johnson jokingly dragged a red-faced Graswich in front of reporters today and said he was "sharing some frustration that was going on in the community," but that Johnson was not wishing the team good riddance.

    "We do not want to be involved or embroiled in a messy divorce, that's not what we want to have happen," the mayor said. "(The Maloofs have) been very good to this community for the years they've been here, we want to go out as good partners at the end of the day, but it's a decision that they're ultimately making and we have to honor and respect that as well as protect the interests of the taxpayers."

    Tonight represents a key moment in the ongoing saga that is the Kings' future. The Anaheim City Council will begin deliberating at 5 p.m. over a proposal to issue $75 million in bonds to fund upgrades at the Honda Center, the future home of the Kings if they move to Southern California.

    Meanwhile, officials at the Honda Center announced that they're creating a waiting list for fans who've been inquiring about NBA tickets.

    "The creation of this list is not an indicator of further developments, but simply allows interested parties the chance to be further informed," according to a statement from arena spokesman Merit Tully.

    A day earlier, the arena said it would add about 700 seats near the court for an NBA team, bringing total capacity to 18,336. That's about 1,000 more than Sacramento's Power Balance Pavilion.

    And in Sacramento, season ticketholders have pointed out they usually get information from the team by now about sales of tickets for next season, but have received nothing from the Kings. Team spokesman Mitch Germann declined comment other than to say, "We haven't mailed out our renewal packages yet. We will update everyone on the process as soon as we can."


  •  03-30-2011, 11:03 上午 372728 in reply to 372727

    • GTO_Andy is not online. Last active: 2021-11-17, 11:05 上午 GTO_Andy
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    Re: Kings 搬家

    沒想到還有這麼深的問題.....看來 Kings 搬家會一波三折


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