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Re: 一個受害者家屬對廢除死刑的看法...看了很震撼(轉貼)

  •  10-02-2007, 7:17 下午

    • w633 is not online. Last active: 06-09-2013, 4:36 下午 w633
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    • 加入於 01-25-2007
    • 籃球夏令營

    Re: 一個受害者家屬對廢除死刑的看法...看了很震撼(轉貼)


    To copy 001

    Ok since you seem to lack any logic or common sense let me explain my points once again.

    A car is a vehicle designed to travel to a--->b

    A car can kill people, but cars will never be banned because cars are not designed to kill people.

    The legal system that supports death sentencing kills criminals, yet I support banning it because it may result in wrongful execution.

    Even though prison may result in wrongful imprisonment, as long as a person is alive, amendments can be made.

    That is why prisons will never be banned.

    You can go on and on about cars, and btw cars dont kill people, people do. So stop your ramblings about cars.

    If a person uses a car to kill another person. The person that drove the car is charged, not the car.

    Now I'm sorry, if you still cant understand my point and can only use abusive language to respond to me, then sorry my mistake.

    I mistook you for being a logical reasonable human being, I should learn to be a better judge of human character.

    i agree with your points and i think you made excellent remarks in countering this guy's illogical crap & abusive comments. no need to waste your precious life on that person anymore.

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