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Re: <Yahoo H2H>Fantasy Challenger2008

  •  10-29-2007, 10:00 上午

    Re: <Yahoo H2H>Fantasy Challenger2008

    I was sorry for the trade that i've been propsed, when i was proposing that, i was thinking the dealer needs a PG at that time and bibby was going to have great number as he would be the first offensive piority in the kings, and he was not hurted at that time, i agreed to the objection by the league and would like to express my view, that i support to let the manager of the league to have the right to control the trade rather then players, i think there would enough supervise to the manager as he have to take the responsibly of his mistake, if occurs. So i would say that would be a fair system of Rossi is going to do, weel done, and please with thanks.

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