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Re: 小麥暗批姚明又獨又軟弱

  •  01-17-2009, 2:19 上午

    Re: 小麥暗批姚明又獨又軟弱


    Thu, Jan 15th 2009, 17:12

    Don't believe everything you read

    Hey everyone,  

    I know there's been a lot of talk out there about problems between me and Yao, most of which began with the article on NBA.com. Normally I don't get concerned or involved with all that, and don't want to respond to each false rumor or accusation that ends up somewhere on the internet or on a talk radio show, however the article by David Aldridge struck a nerve. The accusations in the article about me and Yao having problems and Yao wanting me out of Houston are just plain ridiculous.  Yao and I have a great relationship.  We are not only teammates, we are friends.   Yao's personally told me that the info in the article is untrue, and we both feel that it's another example of the media trying to divide our locker room and create something out of nothing.  Aren't there enough real stories out there to report on?  

    So to all the Rockets fans out there, there's no need to worry about problems in the locker room and between players.  We're all tight and we are all focused on our goal, and that is to bring a championship to Houston.    

    And next time David Aldridge, get your facts straight.    


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