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Re: 觉得联盟对Utah Jazz可能真有点偏见/忽视。

  •  03-04-2009, 2:03 下午

    Re: 觉得联盟对Utah Jazz可能真有点偏见/忽视。


    just would like to make some comment

    摩門教徒 is not the right term to use...(the translation is also chagned too)

    LDS or 後期聖徒 is the proper term.

    but I do agree with this "習慣待在大城市的人才會因此覺得無聊又乏味吧"....that may be true

     but thanks to the enviroment...it's the reason that you won't hear lots of negative news on utah players...

    I think the media pays less attention to utah simply for lack of gossip topics..(unlike big city teams)


    yes thats right, utah jazz is the kinda team that lacks media attention (probably the only newspaper that regularly reports on the team is The Salt Lake Tribunne)

    and actually i would like to add up another reason that causes the lack of attention, which is the stability of the team. I mean comeon Utah Jazz has been a regular playoff contender over the past twenty years, they got a coach that has been here since 1988, they have never had real "star players" like Jordan or Kobe or Tmac or AI, and they never do mega trades...

    and the lack of attention has led to the direct consequence that basketball fans all over and even "professional" NBA reporters has never paid much attention to the team. So when it comes to voting for awards-of-any-kind, people tend to ignore the Jazz, not because they are prejudice towards the team or anything, but more because they dont even "remember" the Jazz.. 

    Deron Williams is one of the best point guards in the league now, but he has never even received a "player of the WEEK" award...not to the mention "player of the month" and all-star..

    thats why as a Jazz Fan im so upset when Gasol was announced the award yesterday...not because Gasol wasnt good enough for the award... but just that im fed up of the fact that Jazz players are being ignored again..


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