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Re: 有關區域聯防

  •  05-12-2009, 2:38 下午

    Re: 有關區域聯防


    Zone defense had made its reappearance in NBA since the rule book was changed in 2001 although it's under certain kinds of restrictions for the reasons stated above.

    Here's a video showing how Kobe battling with this kind of "advanced" defense~

    btw, the narrator in this video doesn't stand for my point of view on Kobe vs Jordon... so don't battle me on that point, some "fans"~

    這影片裡面的頂多是快速包夾, 不是 zone defense....
    這種程度的包夾早在 Jordan 的時代就有了.....
    而且很明顯這都是 Kobe 自己讓自己陷入可以被對方包夾的情況,
    這段影片裡面 Kobe 每球都是嘗試在接近禁區的地方接球,
    對方防守針對他他, 當然一拿球就是被包夾!

    以下這兩段影片裡幾乎面每一個 play, Jordan 都受到比 Kobe 這段影面裡面更激烈更強, 更多人的包夾.....
    而且可以看得到 Jordan vs piston 那片, 幾乎很少有機會停在接近禁區的附近等人傳球給他,
    幾乎都是在三分線外接球, 才有可能在不被包夾的情況下接球,
    Jordan vs piston 那片裡面 piston 那種五個人根本離其他公牛球員至少兩大步, 然後都圍在禁區旁邊等 Jordan 那種其實才是在用區域防守的偷吃步.

    Michael Jordan vs. Piston's Defense (aka: "Jordan Rules")

    Michael Jordan vs. Knick's Defense - An Analysis

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