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Re: 有人知道香港選手-潘志豪的現況嗎?

  •  10-05-2006, 10:45 下午

    Re: 有人知道香港選手-潘志豪的現況嗎?


    Soccer is by all means the NO. 1 sports in HK in terms of popularity; basketball probably ranks the second in the team sports category.  So can we say "香港人不喜歡籃球" ?  Similarly, the number 1 sports in TW is baseball, not basketball, can I say "台灣人不喜歡籃球" ?

    台灣人最喜歡棒球沒錯(我有點小懷疑)  但是打籃球的人遠比棒球多幾百倍  何況籃球棒球真的要比哪個更受歡迎  還有點爭議......棒球比籃球愛好度高一點  但是沒差很多  HK我是不知道啦  但是你這個推論的邏輯不通  1st與2nd只是排序  不代表它們的"量"  基本統計學原理(我在第一章學到的不同排序方法比較)

    某些地方只迷一種運動  某些地方很多運動差不多  所以比1st2nd3rd沒什麼意義 

    Firstly, I'm saying popularity, not number of people playing that sports.  The number of people playing basketball in HK may be more than that of soccer, does it mean basketball is the most popular sports in HK (according to your LOGIC)?

    Secondly, all I tried to say is "香港人不喜歡籃球" is not true, so if my logic is wrong, then can you show me why Mr. Herman's statement is true based on STATISTICAL PRINCIPLE?  Or can you tell Mr. Herman how to testify his statement?

    Thirdly, Mr. Herman said HK newspapers talk mostly soccer news and only a few on NBA, that's of course true.  By the same token, TW newspapers talk mostly baseball (even more prominent lately), so according to his logic, does it mean 台灣人不喜歡籃球?

    Again, my whole purpose is to say Mr. Herman's statement is incorrect (in my sense & knowledge).  He may think it's true based on his own standard, but I don't see there's much difference between HK and TW in terms of popularity.


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