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Re: 總冠軍賽: (2)Miami Heat vs (3)Dallas Mavericks

  •  06-09-2011, 6:09 上午

    Re: 總冠軍賽: (2)Miami Heat vs (3)Dallas Mavericks




    I think this constitutes offensive language.  That said, this is basketball.  Jordan, KB, Shaq, and almost every so-call super star has used this trick some time in their career.  To me, to be the king is not just playing great games on the court, but also playing with will and dedication.  Sometimes faking the fouls is just part of the game

    Well, that's exactly what I am worried about, like I said, "this guy" might get a lot of points, might be the best player in the league, might be the only KING in NBA, but if your word is true - "Sometimes faking the fouls is just part of the game", which you actually think "faking" is totally OK, totally FINE, then I do feel sorry and sad about the popularity of unsportsmanship in basketball.

    I can't say I completely disagree with you.  For example, I remember days when I simply hated defensive plays that are too physical (e.g. Bowen, KG, etc.)  Now I simply take such plays as part of the game.  In my opinion, the only thing unsportsmen-like on the court is purposeful or reckless actions that may injure other players.  Basketball is evolving, so as almost every other sports.  Heck, even morality is evolving.  30 years ago homosexuality is unaccepted in almost every society, now most modern society simply accept that's a facet of human life (and sometimes embraces it). 

    Of course, that compariso is not entirely accurate, but this is why I said I can't completely disagree with you.  In reality, I'd like to see clean, sportsman-like basketball.  however, if the game is taking a different direction than our expectation, I think the best we can do is to simply enjoy what we have, instead of lamenting what we won't get.   

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