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Re: 電影「攻其不備」主角自傳感想

  •  06-19-2013, 12:28 上午

    Re: 電影「攻其不備」主角自傳感想




     "Please, I know you're going to write something.

    I'm just asking you, don't write it in a way that makes people feel sorry for me," he said.

     "I hate that. There's nothing to feel sorry about

    . I love what happened to me. It made me who I am.

    I'm grateful for the challenges I've faced. Please, don't make them feel sorry for me." 


     "My whole life, people have doubted me. My mom did.

    People told me in high school I'm too short and not fast enough to play basketball.

    They didn't know my story. Because if they did, they'd know that anything is possible."

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