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Re: 請問朱哥 Florida的NOAH...

  •  02-11-2007, 5:01 上午

    Re: 請問朱哥 Florida的NOAH...


    這段話也可以透露出一些Noah 迷人的個性 


    "Why don't you want to go to the NBA and make all that money?"

    Noah laughed.

    "I know I am not ready - yet," he said. "I know that I am not physically ready. The NBA wants me, believe me. They have told me that and that they are ready to pay me millions of dollars, but I am not ready to go."

    Noah also painted an appealing picture of his life in Gainesville.

    "I am in my shorts and flip flops, I go to class, I have a beautiful girlfriend, great friends," Noah said. "The NBA will be there, but what's so bad about college?"

    sorry, 只收集這一段, 忘了明確出處, 是某個佛州當地報紙的網站

    "It's a new beginning for us, and we're excited about it," Horford said. "We had a great time at Florida, but I think it's time to move on to bigger things."
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