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Nov 7th, 『Mark 對決 Kenny 和Charles』

Nov 7th, Mark 對決 Kenny Charles


今年夏天沒看到 Mavs 有重大交易, 會不會讓你想睡覺?  還好, Mark Cuban 不會讓你失望的, 包括他的 Dallas Mavericks, 還有 www.blogmaverick.com


Source: http://www.nba.com/news/tnt_051104.html



1, Nov 1st. 開季第一天, Mavs @ Suns.

Mavs 作客 Suns, 比賽精采, 打到二度延長才在 Nash 的最後一擊失手下結束.  當然, 一向喜歡酸人的 TNT 球評必定不會放過這個機會. Kenny Smith 開始嘲笑兩隊的防守都很爛.  TNT 的新球評Reggie Miller 也說如果這就是西區球隊的防守的話, Spurs 會再次的拿下西區冠軍.  Sir Charles Mavs 球迷們最好不要太高興這一場簡單勝利”.

2. Nov 2nd. Mark Cuban 在他的 blog 中也作出了反擊:

"Only downer of the night was listening to the idiots on TNT after the game. Its not unusual if we win a TNT game for us to turn it on in the locker room and hear what Charles, Kenny and co have to say. ….. Kenny, if you want to bust on us for switching on the pick and roll, get some stats to back it up. We track conversion rates on everything we do. If its not working, Kenny, we adjust. I know that is probably a new concept to you and Charlie B, but that’s the NBA of 2006. ….Here is a little test. How many deflections did we have last night versus our season average last year. Do you remember what a deflection is guys ? Its a nice indicator of defensive effort….. 

老闆大人, 您真的是錢太多了, 而且吃飽了沒事幹.  我引用我好朋友流川楓的一句話: 「打籃球並不是在作數學」如果說算出幾次失誤和失誤的情況可以幫助全隊的防守的話, 那中華隊早就可以在亞錦賽拿下前幾名了.

“And rook, I mean Reggie Miller. Remember this rook. Every year TNT brings in the guy who was good, but retired last year, and puts them in that same seat you were sitting in... Do something more than just try to be another guy who tries to fit in and trade nonsensical barbs with the boys. Charles has earned the right to be the comedian who has some insights. Kenny wants to be the coach, but wont do the work, so never will be more than a sidekick. Rook, you need to add some value, or in a few weeks we will see someone else sitting in that seat….."

就連剛上任的 Reggie Miller 都被 Mark 酸到了, Mark, 難道你不知道現在這個人是敢跟 Spike Lee & NYC Co. 嗆聲的大嘴 Miller” ? 好歹人家也去過總冠軍賽, 你連西區冠軍都還沒拿過哩! 

3. Nov. 3rd.  TNT 球評在電視上的反擊:

Barkley: "No, but I know [a blog has] got something to do with the internet. You know, I don't use internet. Anybody who can sit around and thumb a keyboard all day just has no life."

Sir Charles 應該中文不太好, 還沒來圓球城市逛過, 才會發出這種跟 NBA 總部一樣的網路無用論

Barkley: "Well Phoenix does the same thing. I think that any team that switches every pick and roll, it always creates mismatches and destroys your defense. That means their not a good defensive team.….You know, I love Mark, but I don't think he should be taking shots here. First of all, I don't want to be a head coach...

Sir Charles, 你難道不知道這兩隊的五個位置通通都是 size mismatch ? 而且兩隊都是射球型的球隊, Suns也沒有 Amare 可以強攻籃下, 在這種情況下, 反而應該要補位協防才會比較好一點.  難怪你不能當 coach , 你肚子裡裝的只有笑話, 沒有啥真才實學.

Smith: "No, I don't want to be a head coach….. The other thing I'm saying is, if you know basketball, you know basketball. If you don't know basketball, you don't, it's obvious.... We're covering the gamut right here, so if there's some idiot around here, it's not sitting in this studio right here." (刪掉了一段 Smith 用來佐證自己和 Barkley很屌的以前光榮事蹟”)

Kenny “The Jet” Smith 說的好, 你懂就是懂, 不懂就是不懂.  很明顯的, 你比拆散 “Mavs 三劍客 Cuban 還要懂.  可是 Cuban 就已經講明白是在罵你們兩個了, 你還覺得他是在罵 Ernie Johnson ? 

Barkley: "Hey first of all, I love Mark Cuban. He ain't never gonna know more about basketball than me. I ain't never gonna have as much money as him, I'll never know more about computers, but he'll live to be 1000, and he'll never know more than us two about basketball. If he knew that, he wouldn't have put that little "soft cake" team together."

Sir Charles, 本人的英文罵人字典又多了一句了, “soft cake team”!  但是查夫子, 有硬的蛋糕嗎? 我想蛋糕應該都跟你的肚子一樣軟吧?

4. Nov 4th.  又見 Mark Cuban Blog.

"Did you read the blog at all?….CB, get a 2 way with internet access. There is some good info out there that could make you better at what you do. More importantly, when you say people out there that spend their days on computers have no life, time to step into 2005….And comparing your basketball IQ to mine isn’t quite apples to apples given that I’m not the coach. I’m willing to compare the basketball knowledge of AJ, Del Harris, Joe Prunty and Larry Riley to the two of you anytime. My guess, you guys are on the short end of the stick."

看來 Mark 跟我一樣, 懷疑很多討論區的小白有沒有仔細看清楚文章意思. 但是Mark, 如果說你要用你的教練團來跟 TNT 的球評比, 那你乾脆叫他們發言就好了, 幹麼講那麼多? 

5. Nov 5th, Kenny Smith反擊:

"First, I love Avery Johnson. I don't like him, I love him and I have the utmost respect for the entire coaching staff. However, it wasn't the coaching staff that called us idiots. It was you Mark, you spoke for yourself.  

果不期然, Kenny 直指是 Mark Cuban 開始的, 不要扯到教練團身上.

“Second, in terms of basketball, I don't think there's anything that Charles and myself haven't seen or heard or haven't been a part of in an NBA basketball game. There is nothing that's been done in the game of basketball that I can't comment on, but I don't think you can say the same.   To use the term 'idiots' was offensive and I took that personally. I think if you put us in a room and we had to describe the game of basketball people would want to hear what I have to say over what you have to say. If you really understood the game, you would realize that coaches and players have always had different philosophies. That's what makes the game great, that people have different philosophies and some work better than others. It doesn't make the Dallas Mavericks philosophy wrong just because I don't agree with it, and it doesn't make us idiots just because we don't agree with you.  I don't need a stat sheet or the Internet to know how a guy shoots or how he plays the game. My brain and eyes are my computer and I log on everyday. "

! 看來 Kenny “The Jet” Smith 要再改名叫做 Kenny “The Computer Operated Jet” Smith.  就像 Kenny Smith 講的, 即使他不喜歡 Mavs 的防守, 但也無損 Mavs 球賽的可觀性以及娛樂性.  當然, 能不能贏個冠軍回家又是另一回事了.

6. Nov 5th, Mark Cuban 好安靜

"Im not mad at the TNT team. I actually really like Kenny and Charles. They are good guys. I just dont like the way they do their jobs. Thats my opinion. Thats what blogs are for. To write about whats on my mind."

Hey Mark, 聽說你的球隊在今天讓冠軍衛冕隊拿下了今年第一敗, 而且還打了一場漂亮的防守, 使 Spurs 的命中率跌至 4 , 也讓想復仇的 Finley 61.  應該要大聲說話的你怎麼這麼安靜啊?  真是好一招以退為進

故事說完了, 各位是不是覺得今年的 NBA 會很好玩呢?  關於這場嘴對嘴的戰爭就這樣結束了嗎? 嘿嘿, 下期待續!



Published 17-08-2006 04:03 by GTO_Andy
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