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在 02-21-2008, 1:45 上午 由 MarkCuban 發表.第 103 篇回覆.
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  •  02-18-2008, 12:36 下午 157614 in reply to 157613

    Re: Kidd被交易了!!最新!

    Van Horn就和之前湖人灰熊交易的Mckie一樣






  •  02-18-2008, 1:09 下午 157618 in reply to 157614

    • hoopdj is not online. Last active: 03-31-2016, 12:51 上午 hoopdj
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    Re: Kidd被交易了!!最新!

  •  02-18-2008, 2:34 下午 157642 in reply to 157614

    Re: Kidd被交易了!!最新!


     Devean George: The untold story   

    Dallas, Texas.

    Wednesday afternoon.

    Dallas Mavericks team offices.

    A knock on general manager Donn Nelson's office door.

    Donn Nelson: Come in.

    [Devean George enters.]

    Nelson: Hi, Devean. So are you ready to be a Net? We sure do appreciate the time you've spent here in Dallas.

    George: Yeah, about that. I hate to mess things up for you, but I'm not going to New Jersey. I'm invoking my no-trade clause.

    Nelson: Ha! Good one. A no-trade clause given to Devean George. Very funny. Like no-trade clauses are given to average, run-of-the-mill players. Good one, Devean. We're going to miss your sense of humor around here. I don't think Jason Kidd is a cut-up like you.

    George: No, really. I have a no-trade clause. Check my contract.

    [Tosses contract onto Nelson's desk.]

    Nelson: Sweet mercy! You do have a no-trade clause! How did this happen?

    George: I think it was a typo. Probably something left in the contract template from an offer you made to a good player. But it doesn't matter. It's there. And I'm killing the trade.

    Nelson: But why?! Why would you do that to us? You can get your 12 minutes off the bench anywhere. We were getting Jason Kidd! We were finally going to win a championship!

    George: You can win a championship with me. I can do everything Jason Kidd does.

    Nelson: Oh, really? Jason Kidd is a surefire Hall of Famer. You are a spot starter.

    George: I can rebound.

    Nelson: Jason Kidd can rebound better.

    George: I am unselfish.

    Nelson: Jason Kidd is one of the most unselfish players ever.

    George: I can shoot 3s.

    Nelson: Jason Kidd can … look, we have enough players who can shoot 3s. Come on, this is ridiculous. What is the real reason you are sabotaging us? Why won't you go to New Jersey?

    George: I don't want to uproot my family. We set down roots here in Dallas.

    Nelson: Well, that is a fair concern. I can understand that. Wait … you aren't married. You don't have any kids.

    George: Crap. I thought you would buy that one.

    [Another knock at the door.]

    Nelson: Come in.

    [Mark Cuban comes into the room dancing the cha-cha, a lively dance of excitement.]

    Mark Cuban: Hey, dudes! Whaaaazzzzz-up!

    [Cuban gives awkward high-fives to George and Nelson while continuing to cha-cha around the room.]

    Cuban: Is this trade going to be awesome or what, dawgs? Jason Kidd, baby!

    Nelson: Yeah, about that. Devean is invoking his no-trade clause. The deal is dead.

    Cuban: WHAT?!

    [Cuban stops dancing for a moment. And then suddenly begins dancing the paso doble -- an angry, aggressive dance.]

    George: Yeah. Sorry, Mr. Cuban. But I want to stay here.

    Cuban: How dare you cross me! Do you know what I do to people who cross me?! Do you know what I did to Donald Trump?

    George: What? What did you do to Donald Trump?

    Cuban: Well … I, um … well, I wrote a very cutting blog post about him, that's what. And I'm going to do the same to you.

    [Cuban paso dobles over to Nelson's computer, sits down, and begins typing a blog entry about George.]

    Nelson: Oh, man. This is getting bad. We need something to lighten the mood. Where's Avery?

    [Another knock on the door.]

    Nelson: Come in. Avery! I was just talking about you. I was hoping you could lighten the mood in here a bit. Talk to me.

    Avery Johnson: Talk to you about what? I don't feel like lightening the mood. I have a splitting headache and I just found out that my great aunt Sally is in the hospital with the gout.

    Nelson: Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Stop! Stop it! You're killing me! The sound of your voice gets me every time, Avery. Thank you. You're the best. I needed that.

    OK. Now, Devean. Let's get back on track. What is the real reason you are killing this trade?

    Cuban: And that's that! All done, Devean George. You have totally been dissed on my blog. I hope you are happy with yourself. And you're out of luck if you ever hope to be interviewed or profiled on HDNet. Sucks to be you. R-O-T-F-L-M-A-O!

    George: Did you just say "R-O-T-F-L-M-A-O"?

    Cuban: Yes. L-O-L.

    George: Jeez, you are such a dork.

    [Cuban creepily stares George down. He then turns and quicksteps out of the room, taking Avery Johnson as his partner.]

    [Another knock at the door.]

    Nelson: Yes. Come in.

    Dirk Nowitzki: Hallo.

    Nelson: Hello, Dirk.

    George: Hi, Dirk.

    Nowitzki: Devean, I am happy that Jason Kidd is coming to Dallas. But I am sorry to see you go. I have made you a mix tape of David Hasselhoff love ballads. They express what I feel toward you. I hope you enjoy it. Here you go.

    [Nowitzki hands mix tape to George.]

    Nelson: Dirk, bad news. Devean here has nixed the trade. He has a no-trade clause.

    Nowitzki: [Loud cursing in German.] No! This can't be! Jason Kidd and I were going to be playoff magic. He would draw the double-team and then feed me the ball for wide-open, fall-away jumpers at the top of the key. [More loud cursing in German.]

    Devean! Give me back my Hasselhoff mix tape! You don't deserve it!

    [Nowitzki rips the Hasselhoff tape away from George and clutches it to his heart.]

    Nelson: Dirk, just calm down a minute. Are you angry at Devean right now?

    Nowitzki: Yes.

    Nelson: Do you hate him even?

    Nowitzki: Yes.

    Nelson: Then give him the Hasselhoff tape. He definitely deserves it.

    [Nowitzki gives the tape back to George and leaves the room, muttering, "Auf Wiedersehen."]

    Nelson: OK, Devean. We are finally alone again. Now tell me the real reason you are killing this Jason Kidd trade.

    [A cell phone rings.]

    George: Excuse me. I have to take this.

    [George whispers into the phone: "Yeah, I'm here with him now. Just a minute." And then hands the cell phone to Nelson.]

    Here, it's for you anyway.

    Nelson: Umm … hello? Who is this?

    Mitch Kupchak: It's Mitch Kupchak. Sorry to hear your Jason Kidd trade fell through.

    Nelson: Wait … how did you know about that already?

    Kupchak: Oh, I knew before you did, Donn. Remember who you signed Devean away from two years ago?

    Nelson: Yeah, you guys -- the Lakers.

    Kupchak: Exactly. He signed with you, but he is still working as an operative for us. Enjoy watching us destroy you in the playoffs with Kobe and Gasol while Jason Kidd rots away in New Jersey! Bwaah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Bwaah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

    Nelson: Noooooooo! Kupchaaaaaaaaaak!


     Devean George: 不能說的秘密

    德克薩斯 達拉斯



    一陣敲門聲響在GM Donn Nelson的門上

    Donn Nelson: 進來

    [Devean George 進了辦公室]

    Nelson: 你好嗎? Devean.準備好要去藍網了嗎? 我們很感激這些日子以來你在小牛所做出的貢獻.

    George: 恩.....關於這個. 我不想這麼說, 但我不會去New Jersey的. 我要動用我的拒絕交易條款.

    Nelson: 哈哈!不錯~不錯~ Devean George 有權利拒絕被交易.非常有趣. 就像那些給 average, run-of-the-mill

    players 的. 不錯不錯... Devean. 但現在不是搞笑的時候. I don't think Jason Kidd is a cut-up like you.

    George: 我不是在唬爛. 看看我的合約你就瞭了.


    Nelson: 好孩子! 你真有這項權利! 怎麼會這樣?

    George: 我想這是影印的. 大概是你給某個優秀球員的合約的影本.但那不重要. 這玩意就在那. 而我


    Nelson: 但你幹麻這樣?! 為何要這樣對我們? 你可以在任何地方擁有12分鐘的上場時間. 我們可以得

    到Jason Kidd! 我們終於有機會可以成為冠軍!

    George: 我也可以為你們贏得冠軍. 我可以做到任何事 Jason Kidd 能為你們做的.

    Nelson: Oh, 金ㄟㄚGAYㄟ? Jason Kidd 是未來的名人堂球員.你只是個功能性球員.

    George: 我會抓籃板.

    Nelson: Jason Kidd 抓的更多.

    George: 我不會自幹.

    Nelson: Jason Kidd 是史上最不自私的球員之一.

    George: 我會飆三分.

    Nelson: Jason Kidd 也會 … 看看.看看,我們隊裡已經有一堆人投三分了. 別鬧了,這真荒謬.

    你到底為什麼要壞我們的好事? 你為什麼不去New Jersey?

    George: 我不想讓家人離開這兒. 我們已經在達拉斯落地生根了.

    Nelson: 嗯,這是人之常情. 我暸我瞭. ㄟㄟ..........但幾ㄟ!你沒家後!. 你沒有任何孩子!

    George:廢話. 我以為你會被我唬住.


    Nelson: 進來.

    [Mark Cuban 一邊興奮的跳著恰恰一邊輕盈的跳進房門.]

    Mark Cuban: 嘿,花花公子! 哩"口甲"霸未!

    [Cuban對著George and Nelson 張開手掌,一邊繼續跳恰恰.]

    Cuban: 這筆交易會讓人敬畏或是....? Jason Kiddㄟ, 寶貝!

    Nelson:恩,關於這個. Devean 要動用它的禁交易條款. 這筆交易是死會了.

    Cuban: 蝦米?!

    [Cuban 停下了步伐. 然後又開始了另一種舞步-paso doble -- 一種憤怒的,具侵略性的舞蹈.]

    George: 沒錯,抱歉了 Mr. Cuban.但我想賴在這.

    Cuban: 爾何敢忤逆庵! 爾是否知曉忤逆吾之者下場何如?! 你知道我對Donald Trump怎麼了嗎?

    George: 蝦米? 你對Donald Trump做了什麼?

    Cuban: 這個 … 我, 恩 … 這個,我在部落格寫了一篇關於他的尖銳文章, 沒錯. 而且我要幹同樣


    [Cuban 一邊跳 paso doble 一面跳到Nelson 的電腦旁, 坐了下來, 開始敲打關於George的文章.]

    Nelson: 喔,拜託. 這真糟糕. 我們需要點能讓我們奇檬子爽的. Avery在哪?


    Nelson: 進來吧. Avery! 我剛剛正講到你. 我希望你能讓我的心情爽一點..跟我聊聊吧!

    Avery Johnson: 跟你聊個屁?我不想讓你爽. 我頭都快痛到炸掉了我的Sally姑姑最近


    Nelson: 啊哈哈哈哈哈! 停下! 停下! 快笑死我了! 每次聽到你的聲音就讓我很爽, Avery

    . 謝啦.你是最棒的,我就需要你的聲音 OK.現在, Devean. 讓我們回歸正題吧.


    Cuban: 全都好了! Devean George. 我已經在部落格上儘可能的諷刺你了.

    我想你要為你自己感到高興. 你真鳥. R-O-T-F-L-M-A-O!

    George: 你是說"R-O-T-F-L-M-A-O"?

    Cuban: Yes. L-O-L.

    George: Jeez, you are such a dork.

    [Cuban 偷偷的瞪了George 一眼. 接著他快步走出辦公室, Avery Johnson



    Nelson: 進來吧.

    Dirk Nowitzki: Hallo.

    Nelson: Hello, Dirk.

    George: Hi, Dirk.

    Nowitzki: Devean, 我很高興 Jason Kidd 要來達拉斯了. 但我很遺憾你要走了.我幫你

    把David Hasselhoff 的情歌燒在一起了. 這表達了我對你的情感. 我希望你會喜歡.


    [Nowitzki 將帶子交給 George.]

    Nelson: Dirk, 壞消息. Devean 拒絕了交易. 他有這項權利.

    Nowitzki: [用德文大聲咒罵.] 不! 這不可能! Jason Kidd和我要在季後賽玩耍對手

    . 他會吸引 double-team 然後為我製造 wide-open, 在弧頂的fall-away jumpers.


    Devean!還我Hasselhoff mix tape! 你沒資格擁有它!

    [Nowitzki 把 Hasselhoff tape 從 George搶回來並抱在懷裡.]

    Nelson: Dirk, 冷靜一下. 你現在對Devean 很不爽嗎?

    Nowitzki: Yes.

    Nelson: 甚至是恨他?

    Nowitzki: Yes.

    Nelson: 那就給他Hasselhoff tape. 他絕對值得擁有它.

    [Nowitzki 把帶子給了 George 後就離開了房間, 小聲嘀咕,"Auf Wiedersehen."]

    Nelson: OK, Devean. 我們終於又能獨處了. 現在告訴我你搞砸 Jason Kidd 交易案的真正目的.


    George: 抱歉.我得接一下.

    [George小聲對著手機說: "沒錯,我正在他這兒. 等等." 接著他把電話給了Nelson.]


    Nelson: 恩 … hello? 你是誰?

    Mitch Kupchak:我是Mitch Kupchak. 我真遺憾 Jason Kidd 不能成為小牛.

    Nelson: 但幾ㄟ… 哩那災?

    Kupchak: 我在你知道之前就瞭了. 記得兩年前你從哪兒簽來 Devean 嗎?

    Nelson: 當然,你們湖人ㄚ.

    Kupchak:正是. 他表面上是你們的人,但裡子裡還是個湖人. 享受我們在季後賽用kobe跟gasol摧毀你們吧!

    還有,看著kidd在new jersey腐敗吧! 哈哈哈哈哈哈! 哈哈哈哈哈哈!

    Nelson: 不不不不不不不! Kupchaaaaaaaaaak!






    Dallas Mavericks For Life.

    Dirk "Wunderkind" Nowitzki
  •  02-18-2008, 3:52 下午 157653 in reply to 156707

    Re: Kidd被交易了!!最新!


    雖然Jason Kidd對於球隊的組織進攻以及快攻推進的流暢度,確實有不少的幫住。但是已經34歲的老將了,還有是不是能夠能融入小牛的隊形發揮其功能都是問題,就如同Steve Nash這幾年出色的表現,也證明了較適合太陽的快速打法。


  •  02-18-2008, 4:01 下午 157656 in reply to 157642

    Re: Kidd被交易了!!最新!








    Mayor update:我想我應該不用多做解釋你哪裡違規,請不要隨意用不雅字眼攻擊別人或是球隊,請自重。 20080219

  •  02-19-2008, 12:13 上午 157717 in reply to 156733

    • hoopdj is not online. Last active: 03-31-2016, 12:51 上午 hoopdj
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    Re: Kidd被交易了!!最新!



           听说有改变,不知是不是真的,其中,小牛将用 Trenton Hassell 和 Keith Van Horn 代替之前协议中的 Jerry Stackhouse 和 Devean George。这样,一旦交易完成,小牛将送出24岁的控卫 Devin Harris、中锋 DeSagana Diop、后卫 Maurice Ager、前锋 Hassell 和 Van Horn、两个首轮选秀权和300万现金,篮网则将送出 Kidd 和前锋 Malik Allen。另外,为了给签下Keith Van Horn留出阵容空间,小牛队必须裁掉一名球员--可能会是新秀前锋Nick Fazekas。预计他们还会另外与网队达成另一笔交易:用一个未来二轮选秀权换取网队Antoine Wright。预计该交易将在美国当地时间下周一完成。

          这样的话Van Horn 最赚了.

  •  02-19-2008, 12:25 上午 157718 in reply to 157717

    Re: Kidd被交易了!!最新!


    SHAQ離開的湖人隊 雖然勝場變少 但是讓人感動
  •  02-20-2008, 12:28 上午 157932 in reply to 157653



    Trenton Hassell +Devin Harris+DeSagana Diop+Maurice Ager +范洪 +2個首輪選秀+300萬

    換得KIDD+Malik Allen


    也換走了一個防守鎖將 Hassell (雖然說在小牛隊看不到他的功用在哪,防守有沒看到,上場時間也少的可憐!!)

    不過之前說籃網會再拿出Antoine Wright+Stromile Swift 的結果沒有!!

    小弟個人還蠻看好Antoine Wright進攻能力不俗,防守也蠻拼的!!而且也有身高在!!






  •  02-20-2008, 12:33 上午 157935 in reply to 157653

    Re: 請問大家對KIDD到小牛這筆交易的看法?



    請去問 今年的celtics 還有  jordan 的公牛

  •  02-20-2008, 12:58 上午 157939 in reply to 157653

    Re: 請問大家對KIDD到小牛這筆交易的看法?




    SHAQ離開的湖人隊 雖然勝場變少 但是讓人感動
  •  02-20-2008, 1:29 上午 157942 in reply to 157935

    Re: 請問大家對KIDD到小牛這筆交易的看法?




    請去問 今年的celtics 還有  jordan 的公牛




    況且胖胖Glen Davis掛點了!!可能會報銷這整季!!

    那KG還沒回來時,難道就要只靠Kendrick Perkins!!






  •  02-20-2008, 2:47 上午 157952 in reply to 157942

    Re: 請問大家對KIDD到小牛這筆交易的看法?






  •  02-20-2008, 2:52 上午 157954 in reply to 157935

    Re: 請問大家對KIDD到小牛這筆交易的看法?

    jordan 的公牛 內線也是有防守大將 從格蘭特 到小蟲

    celtics 還不知道KG+某位球員夠不夠西區的禁區 在東區對上活賽 魔術我都覺得不夠了

    KIDD的這筆交易確定成交了 小牛付出非常大的代價 小牛這筆交易我看是從去年第一輪被淘汰的後遺症 感覺上 小牛甚麼都不缺 缺乏是心理上的 這問題一直到交易KIDD前都沒改 由於西區今年空前的激烈 最後造成這筆交易成功 KIDD來到我覺得影響最大的 應該是對小牛心理上的影響 或是說 小牛老闆要求冠軍的強烈欲望 可惜庫班不能下場打 不然我看他一年花9千三百萬的人 上場可能打得比誰都猛

  •  02-20-2008, 3:02 上午 157956 in reply to 157942

    • AJ is not online. Last active: 12-20-2010, 5:27 下午 AJ
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    Re: 請問大家對KIDD到小牛這筆交易的看法?




  •  02-20-2008, 3:02 上午 157957 in reply to 157954

    Re: 請問大家對KIDD到小牛這筆交易的看法?


    jordan 的公牛 內線也是有防守大將 從格蘭特 到小蟲




    celtics 還不知道KG+某位球員夠不夠西區的禁區 在東區對上活賽 魔術我都覺得不夠了






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