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魚兒魚兒市場游 ! 2016 自由市場

在 04-02-2017, 8:30 上午 由 Kawakami Rinitsu 發表.第 691 篇回覆.
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  •  03-20-2017, 9:04 上午 509650 in reply to 509648

    Re: 魚兒魚兒市場游 ! 2016 自由市場

    Kawakami Rinitsu:


    中華民國刑事訴訟法第 237 條: 告訴乃論之罪, 其告訴應自得為告訴之人知悉犯人之時起, 於六個月內為之

    你以為自去年 9 月19 日你發言那時起算, 現在 6 個月就算過去了 ?

    告訴你, 現在新期限是由今年 2 月 9 日起你在網路上用肯定句指名道姓說對方是黑道起開始計算 6 個月, 你最好禱告這段期間對方不知道或是知道但是不屑告你, 這不但是公然侮辱, 還可能構成誹謗 (1 年以下), 去 google 搜尋柯 P 黑道說, 柯 P 至少還會說自己只是疑問句, 你和無尾熊 2 個是要挑戰檢察官的中文造詣是吧, 他到時不起訴處份書還不好寫呢



     謝謝你告訴我喔 接下來的140天我會好好躲起來繼續看你文不對題的回半年前的文的

  •  04-02-2017, 8:30 上午 509747 in reply to 509645

    Re: 魚兒魚兒市場游 ! 2016 自由市場

    Kawakami Rinitsu:

    Westbrook 現在應該是全聯盟最會處理快攻的球員, 因此我們看到雷霆更替他設計很特殊的戰術, 雷霆讓他們的長人在禁區卡位, 同時也在替 Westbrook 創造觸碰到球的機會, 抓下籃板球的 Westbrook 是最好的進攻機器, 這使得雷霆在進攻能力上僅能排在聯盟中段, 但是卻擁有聯盟第三快攻得分, 靠的就是Westbrook 抓下防守籃板快速推進前場的進攻






    其中 3 個例子:

    1. Westbrook has contested a grand total of 160 FG's on the ENTIRE SEASON.
    That number is staggeringly low and to be frank, flat out embarrassing. To put his 3.4 contests per game in perspective, OKC backup PG Cameron Payne is averaging 4.1 contests per game while playing in less than half of the minutes that Westbrook is.

    Westbrook ranks dead last in the NBA in contested shots among players averaging 30 or more MPG by a considerable margin. Hilariously, the only two players who have contested less 3P FGA's are Rudy Gobert and Whiteside, who have contested 53 and 64 respectively. Russell Westbrook is at 69 while having playing close to the same amount of minutes...Yes, DeAndre Jordan has contested more 3P FGA's this season than Russell Westbrook.

    2. Finally, and probably the most damning statistic, is that 7.0 of Westbrook's 10.4 rebounds per game are coming on missed FGA from 13+ feet. The largest proportion of those, 4.2, are from 19+ feet. That number ranks 4th in the NBA behind only Whiteside, Jordan, and Drummond. 83% of those rebounds on misses from 19+ feet are uncontested rebounds, meaning Westbrook had 0 competition for the board.

    Why is a point guard able to grab rebounds on missed long shots without contest so frequently? Why is he not guarding the opposing point guard when there's a FGA so far away from the basket? The opposing PG obviously isn't in the paint next to Westbrook, or the rebound wouldn't be uncontested. Is he just abandoning his man when a player has the ball on the perimeter and is likely to shoot?

    3. 第三個例子不必然關聯到籃板球, 但是很有趣:

    Ignoring the fact that he leaving his man with regularity to chase rebounds, even when Westbrook contests shots he's the worst guard in the league in expected FG% against.

    His opp. +6.9% over expected FG% is dead last in the NBA among guards. The only other players over 4.5% are Sean Kilpatrick, Kyle Korver, and Emmanuel Mudiay.


    這是 Thunder 特殊的戰術體系, 讓 Westbrook 取得籃板球並發動快攻, 也收到很大的效果, 一個後衛抓下 10 個以上的籃板球是有很多原因的, 不是只有優缺點的

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