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Princeton offense and Heat

在 05-20-2011, 7:29 上午 由 GTO_Andy 發表.第 2 篇回覆.
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  •  05-20-2011, 5:37 上午 382487

    Princeton offense and Heat

    Game 2 was intense, and we all saw what LBJ said is true - both teams live and die by the defense.  In terms of defensive intensity, I still think the Bulls play a better defensive game.  However, when LBJ, Rose or Wade caught on fire, no defense is good enough. 

    That said, I am very unhappy with Heat's offense.  Spoelstra, despite being a young coach, has proven he is one of the defensive masterminds.  That, however, doesn't help Heat's offense.  Like everyone knows, they rely too much on the two headed dragon to catch fire, while wasting a lot good role players such as Bibby, Miller, Jones, and even older players like big Z.  I want to hear everyone's opinion on whether Heat and a Princeton offense will go well together.  Like Sacramento Kings 11 - 12 years ago, Heat has a group of players who can shoot, dribble and pass the ball well.  The current Heat strategy appears to make everyone beside LBJ and Wade a stand up shooter.  This may have worked, and in fact they may have won a championship with their current play style, but for me this is a huge waste of potential. 

     This style not only waste the potential of the players on the court, but also kills the possibility that Heat may become the most interesting offensive teams we have ever witnessed.  Just think about with ball rotation and some corner offense, the Heat can really open up their game (and better yet, Rick Alderman is looking for a new job).  What you guys think?

  •  05-20-2011, 5:39 上午 382488 in reply to 382487

    Re: Princeton offense and Heat

    Btw, feel free to reply in Chinese.  I just couldn't type Chinese on this devise (btw, I am on my lunch break~)
  •  05-20-2011, 7:29 上午 382490 in reply to 382488

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    Re: Princeton offense and Heat

    hi there,

    Appreciate your contribution while taking lunch in (510) or (925) area.

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