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在 02-18-2010, 5:18 上午 由 朱彥碩 發表.第 150 篇回覆.
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  •  02-16-2010, 6:37 下午 297670 in reply to 297655

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖


    可能都不用幹了,不管是政治 財經 社會 ...最重要的還是論述內容與觀眾需求吧!                                  


  •  02-16-2010, 8:26 下午 297683 in reply to 297670

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖


    完全的就事論事 該挺就挺 該批就批!



    左批一下 朱sir轉撥方式不好 說請朱sir轉撥的人有問題

    右酸一下朱sir完全沒打過正規籃球 講起球來說服力不足


    但怎麼不見你拿出媒體人的風骨 專題的發表你的內幕與看法呢?


     結論是我覺得朱sir有在用他媒體人的身份 努力的想讓臺灣籃壇更好

    (關注學生籃球 注重體制 ....太多了)

    這壹點上 他是臺灣籃球人的楷模!

  •  02-16-2010, 9:12 下午 297693 in reply to 297683

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖







    試問台灣找得出幾個這樣的專業球評? 電視台又該給多少PAY?



  •  02-16-2010, 10:14 下午 297700 in reply to 297667

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖


    我覺得好笑的是 撂英文不夠輪轉就算了 竟然連Barkley的名字都拼錯

    敢情這位高大記者是以為圓球沒有國外讀者來取經 還是立志想成為山寨版的"Barkeley"?



















  •  02-16-2010, 10:31 下午 297701 in reply to 297700

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖


    我覺得好笑的是 撂英文不夠輪轉就算了 竟然連Barkley的名字都拼錯

    敢情這位高大記者是以為圓球沒有國外讀者來取經 還是立志想成為山寨版的"Barkeley"?



















     其實觀察了一下, 有點懷疑他是否真的昰高景炎...

    在電視上的高景炎口才很好, 中英都不錯, 而且說話相當理性, 有條理 

    而這位"高景炎", 英文怪怪

    " You have already invading other's personal matter.  would you like others to do the same to you?  "

    這一句就不太對勁了, 還在暱稱上連charles barkley都拼錯


    不是說我喜歡糾正別人英文, 而是高景炎在大多數人心目中都是專業的代表, 行象很好, 跟這位仁兄差了不少...

    大家要是看到長的象王力宏的去找檳榔西施, 也會懷疑他是否真的昰王力宏吧?


  •  02-16-2010, 10:51 下午 297708 in reply to 297701

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖



  •  02-16-2010, 11:06 下午 297710 in reply to 297701

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖











  •  02-17-2010, 3:25 上午 297724 in reply to 297612

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖

    become Barkeley:

    既然大家對我的看法覺得是我在找碴, 而不是針對事實,我也沒辦法,每個人都有自己的論點,我從來沒有也不必躲在網路的別名裡,網上有人知道我是誰,你們也從來沒問過我是誰,所以我也沒有三八到跟別人說我叫高景炎.  Someone mentioned Barkeley with sense of dis-respect, this is your personal option, I respect that. Charles has personal issues, but as a player, he always played hard and very frank with what he thinks.  

    你們認為不用會打籃球也可以評論籃球,我也沒意見, 這是你們的觀點ok,我保持跟你們不同的看法, 我個人認為沒有實際打球或教球的經驗是不可能在評論上有同理心的

    To朱先生,我來圓球絕對不是來看你的文章, 請你講評的人絕對也有判斷上的問題,評論你我算老幾? 我至少做籃球評論比你資深,籃球經歷比你多,你有你的方式good for you, 你沒有理由在比賽當中動不動就針對一個play否定一個球員的努力, 甚至曾經叫一個表現不好的NBA球員"去死了算了"這是一個非常理性的評論?還是一個很有建設性的建議?  依我看來這就叫胡說八道, 我在我的文中提到主管單位及其他單位去影響媒體,我有說過收買嗎?請問你影響=收買嗎?你一廂情願的把自己悲情化,用提告來威脅,對我看來這也叫胡說八道,你要找我很簡單,打給小豪或屁哥, 他們都有我的電話. 我隨時候教  你在網友一面倒的討伐李亦申出來援助他,我覺得夠義氣,但公佈他家中狀況真的蠻遜.

    籃協現在有李一中大記者把關,身為籃球大記者的你一定要知道, 至於我們偉大的理事長邀請李大記者加入應該就是要對媒體加強溝通吧









    Whatever you say.  I am not doing anything for Taiwan basketball????   you are just too egocentric, talking shit about others is not exactly doing Taiwan basketball any good,  because all you ever do is talking shit about players when they screw up, you have completely overlooked the hard work and disrespect the athletes  .  I am sure you have never heard of term action speaks louder than words.  I not going to brag about what I have done for Taiwan basketball, but since you asked, I am going to tell you. While I was at Nike, I helped creating SBL, while I was with Videoland sports I negotiated NBA broadcasting contract so you can do the game, I send Wu Dye How to Hawaii BYU, my subordinates followed my footsteps to send Jet chang to Hawaii to help improve Taiwan players .   I have helped 2 players who have no financial support to get thru college, both of them are playing in SBL now.   what have you done?   talking shit about others?   telling people how player screw up?  I gave you your first job with Hoop Taiwan when you were a tunnel digger, I isolated the entire company because you had some health problem.( I am not going to disclose your health history).  I negoiated with new management when Ritek decided close the company so you can keep your job.   You have no professional morals by disclose other's personal issues, you have to improve on that.

    As for Lee I Chuang working for CTBA, if you don't think that is an issue, good for you,   because the fact is the issue is bigger and deeper than you can ever imagine.   By hiring Lee, CTBA will influence the media to help Wong's candidate to win another term of CTBA Chair.   That is exactly what you and others wanted??? another 4 years of Wong's ruling?   I am sure that is not an issue with you because you don't seem to think Wong is the root of our problem. 

    I have had enough with your harsh words towards the players, you better improve on that, you have no respect for the foundation and key elements for the game, you have overlooked the hard work,dedication, committments of the players.   Like I say, if you have any issues with me? my damn phone is always on. 

    Do know why NBA colors are done by people like Mark Jackson, John Barry,Keith Erickson, Stu Lance, Doug Collins, Charles Barkely, Magic Johnson, Clarke Kellog and not Scoop Jackson?    Because the players know the game of basketball and how it is played, the writters only the know the game.   

    I have dedicated more of my time and effort for Taiwan basketball and produced real and solid results than just words and writting, I am certainly not going to let you punk me around the net like some chumps.   You have putting words in my mouth and mis-guided others, I have stated facts and I am proud to stand by what I believe in.   If you are really going to help Taiwan basketball, you better shut the hell up and produce some real reults.  Lastly, I am certainly not going to take back what I said about you expose other's personal matters, that is just unprofessional .    

  •  02-17-2010, 4:15 上午 297726 in reply to 297724

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖

    become Barkeley:
    Whatever you say.  I am not doing anything for Taiwan basketball????   you are just too egocentric, talking shit about others is not exactly doing Taiwan basketball any good,  because all you ever do is talking shit about players when they screw up, you have completely overlooked the hard work and disrespect the athletes  .  I am sure you have never heard of term action speaks louder than words.  I not going to brag about what I have done for Taiwan basketball, but since you asked, I am going to tell you. While I was at Nike, I helped creating SBL, while I was with Videoland sports I negotiated NBA broadcasting contract so you can do the game, I send Wu Dye How to Hawaii BYU, my subordinates followed my footsteps to send Jet chang to Hawaii to help improve Taiwan players .   I have helped 2 players who have no financial support to get thru college, both of them are playing in SBL now.   what have you done?   talking shit about others?   telling people how player screw up?  I gave you your first job with Hoop Taiwan when you were a tunnel digger, I isolated the entire company because you had some health problem.( I am not going to disclose your health history).  I negoiated with new management when Ritek decided close the company so you can keep your job.   You have no professional morals by disclose other's personal issues, you have to improve on that.

    As for Lee I Chuang working for CTBA, if you don't think that is an issue, good for you,   because the fact is the issue is bigger and deeper than you can ever imagine.   By hiring Lee, CTBA will influence the media to help Wong's candidate to win another term of CTBA Chair.   That is exactly what you and others wanted??? another 4 years of Wong's ruling?   I am sure that is not an issue with you because you don't seem to think Wong is the root of our problem. 

    I have had enough with your harsh words towards the players, you better improve on that, you have no respect for the foundation and key elements for the game, you have overlooked the hard work,dedication, committments of the players.   Like I say, if you have any issues with me? my damn phone is always on. 

    Do know why NBA colors are done by people like Mark Jackson, John Barry,Keith Erickson, Stu Lance, Doug Collins, Charles Barkely, Magic Johnson, Clarke Kellog and not Scoop Jackson?    Because the players know the game of basketball and how it is played, the writters only the know the game.   

    I have dedicated more of my time and effort for Taiwan basketball and produced real and solid results than just words and writting, I am certainly not going to let you punk me around the net like some chumps.   You have putting words in my mouth and mis-guided others, I have stated facts and I am proud to stand by what I believe in.   If you are really going to help Taiwan basketball, you better shut the hell up and produce some real reults.  Lastly, I am certainly not going to take back what I said about you expose other's personal matters, that is just unprofessional .



    各退一步 海闊天空~把討論焦點拉回國泰與裘爺的文章上~不然可能就要找老闆來擺攤囉~XD

  •  02-17-2010, 4:36 上午 297727 in reply to 297724

    • 朱彥碩 is not online. Last active: 05-28-2024, 11:35 上午 朱彥碩
    • Top 10 Contributor
    • 加入於 07-13-2006
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    • 籃球名人堂

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖













  •  02-17-2010, 5:07 上午 297728 in reply to 297710

    • 朱彥碩 is not online. Last active: 05-28-2024, 11:35 上午 朱彥碩
    • Top 10 Contributor
    • 加入於 07-13-2006
    • 台灣台北
    • 籃球名人堂

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖



















  •  02-17-2010, 5:21 上午 297729 in reply to 297724

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖



  •  02-17-2010, 5:23 上午 297730 in reply to 297724

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖

    become Barkeley:
    become Barkeley:

    既然大家對我的看法覺得是我在找碴, 而不是針對事實,我也沒辦法,每個人都有自己的論點,我從來沒有也不必躲在網路的別名裡,網上有人知道我是誰,你們也從來沒問過我是誰,所以我也沒有三八到跟別人說我叫高景炎.  Someone mentioned Barkeley with sense of dis-respect, this is your personal option, I respect that. Charles has personal issues, but as a player, he always played hard and very frank with what he thinks.  

    你們認為不用會打籃球也可以評論籃球,我也沒意見, 這是你們的觀點ok,我保持跟你們不同的看法, 我個人認為沒有實際打球或教球的經驗是不可能在評論上有同理心的

    To朱先生,我來圓球絕對不是來看你的文章, 請你講評的人絕對也有判斷上的問題,評論你我算老幾? 我至少做籃球評論比你資深,籃球經歷比你多,你有你的方式good for you, 你沒有理由在比賽當中動不動就針對一個play否定一個球員的努力, 甚至曾經叫一個表現不好的NBA球員"去死了算了"這是一個非常理性的評論?還是一個很有建設性的建議?  依我看來這就叫胡說八道, 我在我的文中提到主管單位及其他單位去影響媒體,我有說過收買嗎?請問你影響=收買嗎?你一廂情願的把自己悲情化,用提告來威脅,對我看來這也叫胡說八道,你要找我很簡單,打給小豪或屁哥, 他們都有我的電話. 我隨時候教  你在網友一面倒的討伐李亦申出來援助他,我覺得夠義氣,但公佈他家中狀況真的蠻遜.

    籃協現在有李一中大記者把關,身為籃球大記者的你一定要知道, 至於我們偉大的理事長邀請李大記者加入應該就是要對媒體加強溝通吧









    Whatever you say.  I am not doing anything for Taiwan basketball????   you are just too egocentric, talking shit about others is not exactly doing Taiwan basketball any good,  because all you ever do is talking shit about players when they screw up, you have completely overlooked the hard work and disrespect the athletes  .  I am sure you have never heard of term action speaks louder than words.  I not going to brag about what I have done for Taiwan basketball, but since you asked, I am going to tell you. While I was at Nike, I helped creating SBL, while I was with Videoland sports I negotiated NBA broadcasting contract so you can do the game, I send Wu Dye How to Hawaii BYU, my subordinates followed my footsteps to send Jet chang to Hawaii to help improve Taiwan players .   I have helped 2 players who have no financial support to get thru college, both of them are playing in SBL now.   what have you done?   talking shit about others?   telling people how player screw up?  I gave you your first job with Hoop Taiwan when you were a tunnel digger, I isolated the entire company because you had some health problem.( I am not going to disclose your health history).  I negoiated with new management when Ritek decided close the company so you can keep your job.   You have no professional morals by disclose other's personal issues, you have to improve on that.

    As for Lee I Chuang working for CTBA, if you don't think that is an issue, good for you,   because the fact is the issue is bigger and deeper than you can ever imagine.   By hiring Lee, CTBA will influence the media to help Wong's candidate to win another term of CTBA Chair.   That is exactly what you and others wanted??? another 4 years of Wong's ruling?   I am sure that is not an issue with you because you don't seem to think Wong is the root of our problem. 

    I have had enough with your harsh words towards the players, you better improve on that, you have no respect for the foundation and key elements for the game, you have overlooked the hard work,dedication, committments of the players.   Like I say, if you have any issues with me? my damn phone is always on. 

    Do know why NBA colors are done by people like Mark Jackson, John Barry,Keith Erickson, Stu Lance, Doug Collins, Charles Barkely, Magic Johnson, Clarke Kellog and not Scoop Jackson?    Because the players know the game of basketball and how it is played, the writters only the know the game.   

    I have dedicated more of my time and effort for Taiwan basketball and produced real and solid results than just words and writting, I am certainly not going to let you punk me around the net like some chumps.   You have putting words in my mouth and mis-guided others, I have stated facts and I am proud to stand by what I believe in.   If you are really going to help Taiwan basketball, you better shut the hell up and produce some real reults.  Lastly, I am certainly not going to take back what I said about you expose other's personal matters, that is just unprofessional .    






    球評的工作就是出一張嘴. so why can't he talk shit?

    everyone talks shit about players when they screw things up, so according to you, we shouldn't be doing that cuz we've never really "contributed" anything to Taiwanese basketball? what kinda bullshit theory is that? y dun u jus stfu and f off. 別在這裡冒充大家所喜愛的kenny. go get a life.

  •  02-17-2010, 7:39 上午 297731 in reply to 297727

    • sutl is not online. Last active: 02-18-2016, 11:37 下午 sutl
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • 加入於 07-23-2006
    • 麥當勞高中明星

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖









  •  02-17-2010, 9:40 上午 297739 in reply to 297730

    Re: 國泰女籃退出WSBL討論帖

    become Barkeley:
    become Barkeley:

    既然大家對我的看法覺得是我在找碴, 而不是針對事實,我也沒辦法,每個人都有自己的論點,我從來沒有也不必躲在網路的別名裡,網上有人知道我是誰,你們也從來沒問過我是誰,所以我也沒有三八到跟別人說我叫高景炎.  Someone mentioned Barkeley with sense of dis-respect, this is your personal option, I respect that. Charles has personal issues, but as a player, he always played hard and very frank with what he thinks.  

    你們認為不用會打籃球也可以評論籃球,我也沒意見, 這是你們的觀點ok,我保持跟你們不同的看法, 我個人認為沒有實際打球或教球的經驗是不可能在評論上有同理心的

    To朱先生,我來圓球絕對不是來看你的文章, 請你講評的人絕對也有判斷上的問題,評論你我算老幾? 我至少做籃球評論比你資深,籃球經歷比你多,你有你的方式good for you, 你沒有理由在比賽當中動不動就針對一個play否定一個球員的努力, 甚至曾經叫一個表現不好的NBA球員"去死了算了"這是一個非常理性的評論?還是一個很有建設性的建議?  依我看來這就叫胡說八道, 我在我的文中提到主管單位及其他單位去影響媒體,我有說過收買嗎?請問你影響=收買嗎?你一廂情願的把自己悲情化,用提告來威脅,對我看來這也叫胡說八道,你要找我很簡單,打給小豪或屁哥, 他們都有我的電話. 我隨時候教  你在網友一面倒的討伐李亦申出來援助他,我覺得夠義氣,但公佈他家中狀況真的蠻遜.

    籃協現在有李一中大記者把關,身為籃球大記者的你一定要知道, 至於我們偉大的理事長邀請李大記者加入應該就是要對媒體加強溝通吧









    Whatever you say.  I am not doing anything for Taiwan basketball????   you are just too egocentric, talking shit about others is not exactly doing Taiwan basketball any good,  because all you ever do is talking shit about players when they screw up, you have completely overlooked the hard work and disrespect the athletes  .  I am sure you have never heard of term action speaks louder than words.  I not going to brag about what I have done for Taiwan basketball, but since you asked, I am going to tell you. While I was at Nike, I helped creating SBL, while I was with Videoland sports I negotiated NBA broadcasting contract so you can do the game, I send Wu Dye How to Hawaii BYU, my subordinates followed my footsteps to send Jet chang to Hawaii to help improve Taiwan players .   I have helped 2 players who have no financial support to get thru college, both of them are playing in SBL now.   what have you done?   talking shit about others?   telling people how player screw up?  I gave you your first job with Hoop Taiwan when you were a tunnel digger, I isolated the entire company because you had some health problem.( I am not going to disclose your health history).  I negoiated with new management when Ritek decided close the company so you can keep your job.   You have no professional morals by disclose other's personal issues, you have to improve on that.

    As for Lee I Chuang working for CTBA, if you don't think that is an issue, good for you,   because the fact is the issue is bigger and deeper than you can ever imagine.   By hiring Lee, CTBA will influence the media to help Wong's candidate to win another term of CTBA Chair.   That is exactly what you and others wanted??? another 4 years of Wong's ruling?   I am sure that is not an issue with you because you don't seem to think Wong is the root of our problem. 

    I have had enough with your harsh words towards the players, you better improve on that, you have no respect for the foundation and key elements for the game, you have overlooked the hard work,dedication, committments of the players.   Like I say, if you have any issues with me? my damn phone is always on. 

    Do know why NBA colors are done by people like Mark Jackson, John Barry,Keith Erickson, Stu Lance, Doug Collins, Charles Barkely, Magic Johnson, Clarke Kellog and not Scoop Jackson?    Because the players know the game of basketball and how it is played, the writters only the know the game.   

    I have dedicated more of my time and effort for Taiwan basketball and produced real and solid results than just words and writting, I am certainly not going to let you punk me around the net like some chumps.   You have putting words in my mouth and mis-guided others, I have stated facts and I am proud to stand by what I believe in.   If you are really going to help Taiwan basketball, you better shut the hell up and produce some real reults.  Lastly, I am certainly not going to take back what I said about you expose other's personal matters, that is just unprofessional .    






    球評的工作就是出一張嘴. so why can't he talk shit?

    everyone talks shit about players when they screw things up, so according to you, we shouldn't be doing that cuz we've never really "contributed" anything to Taiwanese basketball? what kinda bullshit theory is that? y dun u jus stfu and f off. 別在這裡冒充大家所喜愛的kenny. go get a life.




    I lmao when I saw him mispelled Barkley yet again. He's probably babbling only in English now cuz ppl called out his funny grammar errors and poor vocabs, which really led to more funny grammar errors and poor vocabs. Kenny or not, this guy is just another fake ABC like so many other pretentious bastards in TW.


    btw, note to "become Barkeley", half of the NBA players-turned-color guys that you've mentioned are/were mediocre at best. I guess it's just easy for you to disregard the great color guys like Mike Breen, Al Michaels, Bob Costas and Marv Alberts to support your absurd theory. And guess how many NBA games these guys ever played in total? Zero. You like apple? How 'bout 'em apple?!

    We ride together
    We die together
    Red Bulls for life....
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