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NBA free agent 2018

在 09-20-2018, 7:02 下午 由 Hortford 發表.第 318 篇回覆.
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  •  06-28-2018, 10:26 上午 516408 in reply to 516406

    Re: NBA free agent 2018

    以Favors的說法: 他很樂意為爵士打球, 同時也為第一次有機會到其他球隊坐下來面對面談感到興奮

    如果說他對爵士有什麼不滿, 是在Quin的體系中以Gobert當禁區核心, 常用small打4號, 感覺自己在爵士的重要性降低, 以後也很難改善, 讓他蠻介意, 而不只是錢的問題

    如果有球隊針對這點勸說, 我想爵士可能留不住, 就看有沒有球隊拿得出1500萬以上並許他角色重要性的, 這種狀況先砸錢應該也沒太大用處, 得給他出去談一下, 死了這條心以後打起來才不會一直有個疙瘩

    狀況不像從前的Boozer(一心想走, 公牛開個價就當場簽了), Millsap(隊上已備好更年輕高大的Favors接他位子), 而比較像AK, 需要教練出來好好跟他溝通會更有效
  •  06-28-2018, 3:34 下午 516410 in reply to 516408

    Re: NBA free agent 2018

    “I’ve been there for eight years, so I’m pretty much comfortable with it,” Favors said. “I’ve seen a lot of things. I’ve been to a lot of great places. The fan base is incredible. People down South and people in general don’t know much about Salt Lake City, Utah. They think it is just a boring town and they have no desire to go there. But I tell my friends and those who ask me, it is not as bad as you probably think it is. There are things to do there. There are good people there. Good restaurants. Good places to go.

    “You just have to find stuff to do with whatever you like. And if you don’t like it, Vegas is not too far. You can catch a flight or drive to Vegas. I treat Utah, especially in the summertime, as my relaxing spot to get away from noise or to get peace of mind. I go to Utah to chill, relax and enjoy the scenery and what Utah has to offer. I am a guy who likes to sit on the patio and enjoy life and quiet time. In the summer, it is beautiful out there with the mountains. I go out there to meditate and enjoy the quiet time because it is not a fast-paced city, fast-energy like New York. You just chill out and relax.”

    Favors strongly states that he loves the Jazz from top to bottom, whether it is ownership, management, the coaching staff or his teammates. Even so, the 26-year-old believes it is in his best interest to do his due diligence when free agency begins.

    “I’m definitely excited about being a free agent for the first time and pretty much getting a chance to control my own destiny,” Favors said. “I’m just trying to find the right situation that makes sense for me as a player. Be in the right spot. Get a chance to showcase my talent. Get a chance to showcase what I can do. I’m just focused on finding the right situation that is the right fit for me.”

    “I don’t think you get a really good feel over the phone,” Favors said. “I’d rather be face-to-face in a meeting, ask questions and kind of figure stuff out.”

    “It was a great season for me,” Favors said. “I think I exceeded a lot of expectations in a sense. I know there was a lot of question of how I would come back after the season before being injured a lot and with the way they are playing now basically with [small forward] at [power forward]. People wondered if I could guard the perimeter. I know there was a lot of question on whether me and Rudy could fit offensively. I know I went out and proved a lot of people wrong.

    I didn’t have the best stats because I had to sacrifice a lot. In terms of basketball, I exceeded a lot of expectations.

    How much will playing time be a factor in his decision? “It weighs in a lot,” Favors said. “Like I said, I want to be in the right situation that benefits me as a player. It will play a big role.”

    Favors said he really enjoyed for playing for Jazz coach Quin Snyder because he is “a cool dude with an open-door policy” and “communicates well.” Favors said he and Snyder agreed it would be better to start small forward Jae Crowder over Favors for matchup reasons in a second-round playoff series against the Houston Rockets.

    Favors said he had a positive end-of-season meeting with the Jazz in which they professed hope to re-sign him. He said the Jazz asked him to work on his 3-point shooting and free throw shooting this offseason. He has taken that advice to heart, working primarily on 3-point shooting in Atlanta.

    “I am trying to work on more things to get more involved in the offense,” Favors said.

    Favors believes the Jazz “want me back.” Jazz general manager Dennis Lindsey acknowledged that re-signing Favors was a “high priority” and it was important to keep their core team intact. Lindsey added that the chemistry, camaraderie and respect that Favors and Gobert had for each other makes them a “great pair.”

    “I really do enjoy being out there,” Favors said. “I enjoyed all of my teammates. I enjoy the organization, the front office and the coaching staff. I love everything about Utah.

    “It is definitely a business. There might be a situation where I do have to leave. It would be tough. But you have to put yourself in the right situation, because the teams are going to do that for themselves, too. You just have to find the right situation.”


    從 favors 身為團隊球員的優點看,爵士當然喜歡 team oriented 的球員,而且 favors 一旦認定自己是球隊一員,就像文中說的,他沒有取得很好的數據因為他會為了團隊犧牲很多,如果 favors 此刻想追求自我定位或高薪或者冠軍戒,爵士會願意歡喜送他離開,但爵士的優勢就在於這座城市跟球團還有隊友之於 favors 的影響,目前來看 favors 把這些情感面看得挺重的

    爵士第二個優勢是說服 favors 他若能 space floor,在進攻端的用處會提升很多,不論如何,favors 如果要提升他的實力,把射程跟籃子穩定提升是最好也最簡單直接又有效的方式,不論他是否留在爵士,expand range 都可能是必要的

    爵士如果能成功以這兩項優勢並提出 favors 陣營滿意的報價,他 ok 了就直接定案,以免夜長夢多,畢竟以吸引力跟說服力來說,爵士能給他的球隊定位、球隊未來幾年狀況、願意開出的薪水都在水準之上。favors 的想法也挺明確,他跟爵士很合,在這繼續待著也很好,但他也想看看其他球隊是否能提供更適合他的機會,也許是金額待遇,也許是球隊定位,看起來 favors 是想讓自己去選擇,畢竟自己考慮後做出了決定才不容易後悔

    我想最大的威脅者是小牛,但如果他們真想交易或將成功買來 jordan,那其他競爭者狀況理應不比爵士合適,有薪資空間的給得了上場時間但球隊多半在重建中,定位也許過沒兩年又有變化,真的好的球隊要馬隊上已經有其他中前鋒卡位,要馬沒有足夠的薪資空間


    GO JAZZ!!!
  •  06-28-2018, 5:08 下午 516411 in reply to 516410

    Re: NBA free agent 2018

    像公牛, 老鷹, 溜馬, 籃網...都缺禁區人手也有相當的薪資空間, 有可能找Favors去聊聊

    我最擔心的反倒不是獨行俠(小牛)而是太陽, 太陽可能會想打包爵士Favors跟Neto等實力跟重用度不成比例的球員

  •  06-28-2018, 6:43 下午 516413 in reply to 516411

    Re: NBA free agent 2018


  •  06-29-2018, 12:02 上午 516417 in reply to 516413

    Re: NBA free agent 2018

    Wojnarowski: Paul George已通知雷霆他要option out

  •  06-29-2018, 12:53 上午 516419 in reply to 516411

    Re: NBA free agent 2018

    突然覺得 Favors 很適合金州勇士

  •  06-29-2018, 12:56 上午 516420 in reply to 516419

    Re: NBA free agent 2018

    雷霆留 George 下來,就要面對著天價的豪華稅,老闆會上吊的

  •  06-29-2018, 1:14 上午 516421 in reply to 516411

    Re: NBA free agent 2018

    Red Jazz:

    像公牛, 老鷹, 溜馬, 籃網...都缺禁區人手也有相當的薪資空間, 有可能找Favors去聊聊

    我最擔心的反倒不是獨行俠(小牛)而是太陽, 太陽可能會想打包爵士Favors跟Neto等實力跟重用度不成比例的球員

    前兩隻球隊符合我前面說的重建球隊,favors 去了也是陪幾位少主慢慢磨,球隊定位也不穩定,也許第一年被重用,哪天球隊換了方針馬上打進冷宮,而且這兩隊內都有 big 正在栽培中,是否會比待在爵士好,或許不見得,當然老鷹是家鄉球隊,如果他們能說服 favors,那也只能祝 favors 好運

    溜馬有幾份合約要清掉才有辦法開價到 15m 以上,加上他們 big 主力已經達三人,是否需要 favors 很難說。最後一個籃網,這應該是可能性最小的選項,favors 過去是被他們賣掉的,每次打籃網他也都特別賣力


    這些球隊也許都是潛在競爭者,但綜合球隊給的定位、合約待遇還有球隊長短期展望這幾點看下來,爵士跟這幾隻球隊比起來應是更好的選擇,昨天看到的消息是 favors 有安排 "few" 支球隊準備面談,記者特別強調 few 也許競爭者不多,的確今年有足夠薪資空間又先鎖定 favors 的球隊應該不多才是,我左看右看下來,若搶 jordan 跟 cousins 失敗的小牛也許才是最該小心的,cuban 從來就不怕多花錢在球員身上,那怕是花在 plan c 上,現在他們缺禁區位置,幾位新人也備受看好,也許一兩年內還打不進季後賽,但已慢慢脫離重建 level


    GO JAZZ!!!
  •  06-29-2018, 4:56 上午 516423 in reply to 516421

    Re: NBA free agent 2018

    現在的情況... 雖然我們無法判斷哪些source是可以信任的。



    but... 就在湖人決定先搞來可愛時,皇上卻放出小蜜蜂,「朕的決策不會因可愛而受影響。」這句耳語有多種版本,其中大部分的版本都在暗示皇上不想找可愛合體。


  •  06-29-2018, 10:45 上午 516426 in reply to 516423

    Re: NBA free agent 2018



     今天都是那則Stephen A. Smith報的猛料: LeBron James找Durant去湖人被拒, 雖然消息真假難分, 但這時機點make sense

    “LeBron James reached out to Kevin Durant via text, from what I’m told, about coming to Los Angeles. I don’t know what Kevin Durant’s response to him was, that is not the information that I got. But I will tell you what I did hear, is that behind the scenes Kevin Durant is like ‘why would I do that? You know what? As far as I’m concerned, LeBron James is a big time player, but the way I look at it, I should be perceived as the best in the world. I’m the reigning two-time champion… why would I think about doing something like that?'”

  •  06-29-2018, 11:01 上午 516427 in reply to 516423

    Re: NBA free agent 2018

    因為要組兄弟籃球,所以湖人希望最大,就像 4 年前的騎士,本身大體上是空房,只要叫兄弟直接搬進來住,就算還有些未到期的房客,請他們搬出去就好


  •  06-29-2018, 11:45 上午 516428 in reply to 516426

    Re: NBA free agent 2018

    照上面爆料, LBJ是用簡訊勸誘, 只是Durant覺得不這樣做他也已經是冠軍了, 何必棄冠軍隊去幫你抬轎?

    所以LBJ有一份從大牌到小牌的FA名單, 不管機會如何, 一個接一個發簡訊, 被打槍再發下一位?

    PG昨天跟雷霆說不幹了, 是輪到他收到簡訊?
  •  06-29-2018, 12:02 下午 516429 in reply to 516428

    Re: NBA free agent 2018

    Anthony 之前確定留下,就表示 George 不可能留了,這和 LBJ 沒什麼關係,重點是 Repeater ,他直接走人雷霆絕對求之不得,甚至他執行最後一年留下了,都會導致雷霆明年總薪資加豪華稅總共會超過 2 億美元,嗚嗚

  •  06-29-2018, 2:21 下午 516430 in reply to 516429

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    Re: NBA free agent 2018

  •  06-29-2018, 2:44 下午 516431 in reply to 516428

    Re: NBA free agent 2018

    Red Jazz:

    PG昨天跟雷霆說不幹了, 是輪到他收到簡訊?

    雖然 mitchell 說他仍在極力說服 george 加盟,但 pg 跳出合約也代表爵士迎來 pg 的希望近乎不可能。原因有二,第一是 pg 現在全權主控自己要去哪,爵士不可能跟雷霆有得談,第二是 pg 不可能會減薪的。雷霆若要省錢直接放人就是,他們不會為了選秀權跟別人玩先簽後換刻意去繳稅的,這也代表爵士如果要裸簽 pg 得放棄三份母隊權利,然後放掉三張非保證約,同時還得把未來首輪選秀權搭配 burks 這張到期約一起賣掉,就算跟 pg 簽四年好了,這代價也已經太大


    另外這是記者 larsen 分析 favors 的狀況,跟我們這幾天說的有些類似,可以參考



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