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在 03-24-2012, 4:19 下午 由 S126986145 發表.第 7 篇回覆.
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  •  03-24-2012, 4:37 上午 417864

    • Ne-Yo is not online. Last active: 01-15-2016, 10:41 下午 Ne-Yo
    • Top 75 Contributor
    • 加入於 01-13-2007
    • NBA明星


    Kobe: Lakers can win championship

    LOS ANGELES -- When the Los Angeles Lakers struggled early this season and failed to make a blockbuster trade, much of the criticism was directed toward Jim Buss, the team's executive vice president of player personnel who is being groomed to replace his father, Lakers owner Jerry Buss.

    Jim Buss was given more of the reigns of the team last year and was blamed for the Lakers cutting ties with Phil Jackson in the offseason and his entire staff and hiring Mike Brown as coach.

    The last time the Lakers went through such an organizational upheaval six years ago, Jim Buss was again a lightning rod for criticism, and Kobe Bryant demanded a trade.

    This time, Bryant seems more content with Buss and the direction of the team.

    "We have a good relationship," Bryant told the "Mason & Ireland Show" on 710 ESPN on Thursday when asked about Jim Buss. "People misunderstand that relationship. We have a good time. We've had dinner together and things like that. He's a great guy and he wants to do the right thing and he wants to help us win a championship. The biggest thing, which was the same with his father, who he has learned from, is that he's not going to make rushed decisions. He's going to be patient and he's going to take his time.

    "The one thing I will say about him and about the Lakers' organization is that it's one of those franchises that always seems to land on its feet. Always seems to make the right choices. Always seems to make the right decisions, even the tough ones."

    The Lakers were close to acquiring Chris Paul in the offseason for a package that included Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom. But the NBA vetoed the trade at the last minute; Paul was instead sent to the Los Angeles Clippers. The team also was reportedly pursuing Dwight Howard before he opted to remain with the Orlando Magic for one more season. In the end, the Lakers were able to acquire Ramon Sessions and Christian Eyenga from the Cleveland Cavaliers for Luke Walton and Jason Kapono and sent Derek Fisher to the Houston Rockets for Jordan Hill.

    Despite a roster upheaval that leaves the Lakers with only four players from their last championship team in 2010, Bryant still believes the Lakers can win a championship this season.

    "We are a championship-caliber team," Bryant said. "I've never understood the talk about us not being a contender. I've never understood it from the start of the season until now. You have myself, you have Andrew (Bynum) and you have Pau. Who has three players like that on one roster? And then you have Metta (World Peace) and you have (Matt) Barnes.

    "So I hear all this talk and all these conversations and here we are two games out of the second seed in the Western Conference despite our struggles on the road and with the new coaching staff and the new system and new personnel. I always believed we were contenders but we just had to be quiet about it."


  •  03-24-2012, 6:40 上午 417874 in reply to 417864

    Re: Kobe:湖人能贏得總冠軍




  •  03-24-2012, 9:30 上午 417885 in reply to 417864

    Re: Kobe:湖人能贏得總冠軍




  •  03-24-2012, 11:17 上午 417904 in reply to 417885

    Re: Kobe:湖人能贏得總冠軍





    最近的 World Peace 很拼哦 XDDD 

  •  03-24-2012, 12:13 下午 417911 in reply to 417864

    Re: Kobe:湖人能贏得總冠軍



    我只看到阿泰堅定的站在三分線外  然後等著傳球投他的三分  我就覺得這場大概撇定了  真是E04...


    然後我看那場是3/14的 只能說老魚被換掉不是沒原因的  他三分關鍵時候已經投不進了 而且他在 對手想怎麼切就這麼切


    那場讓我對布雷克有點小改觀  真的是傳球第一的後衛=>讚   雖然傳球只能說中規中矩....   但是湖人半場進攻的方式本來就不需要太多花招




    但是說到底  今年湖人能總冠軍  我也不信....  除非把阿泰丟掉  大爛約一個... 

  •  03-24-2012, 12:50 下午 417922 in reply to 417904

    Re: Kobe:湖人能贏得總冠軍





    最近的 World Peace 很拼哦 XDDD 


    KD遇到他,根本不想跟他肉搏戰,掩護後中距離catch and shot




  •  03-24-2012, 3:57 下午 417950 in reply to 417922

    Re: Kobe:湖人能贏得總冠軍



    Starting lineup:Deron Williams、Joe Johnson、Paul Pierce、Kevin Garnett、Brook Lopez
    Bench:Shaun Livingston、Jason Terry、Toko Shengelia、Mizra Teletovic、Andrei Kirilenko、Mason Plumlee、Tyshawn Taylor、Andray Blatche、Reggie Evans、Alan Anderson

  •  03-24-2012, 4:19 下午 417953 in reply to 417950

    Re: Kobe:湖人能贏得總冠軍


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